Heart Attack

Prospecting Australia

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RM Outback said:
Glad to hear you are heading home soon mate :perfect: nothing beats recovering in a comfortable environment, home beats the hospital ward hands down. Take care mate :beer: buy 20 lights or 3 fridges to test and help speed up your recovery :p :lol:
You read me like a book. I was just planning sneaking off this weekend. Lol :D
Well the scan never happened and im still here. Then things got crazy one bloke who had been and had an opp was bought back in a sedated condition gets up after being told to stay in bed takes him self off to the throne i heres a thump so i rushed forward to help and in the floor in a heap is this clown laying on the floor with the back of his head busted open. This all kicked off at about 23.00

Then the doc is called and all is well then an hour later they come and get the bloke abbring him back at 01.50 and said porters leave. Oh No he aint done yet next hes trying to find his buzzer amid some choice colonial phrases not shared these many years whilst still trying to find the buzzer for the nurse just minutes later hes back out of heading for the throne again. Lucky for him a nurse cuts him off at the pass and escorts him to said throne..

Hes quiet for now and its 02.35. Sleeping in this place is impossible and i cant wait to grab a quick nap on a train station or in a quarry when they are blasting anywhere as long as i can grab 5 minutes.

ts been like this every night so far. :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
Jaros said:
How long do you expect to be in there RR.

They said on tuesday i could leave first thing on wednesday morning. Then they said about having an ultrasound test and i would be leaving in the afternoon or early evening and that never happened And not a word was said nd i still dont know.

They said i was fine. And could leave. But no one knows whats going on.
Well I made it home, I had to walk about 2 ks from the hospital to home and I am $%&ed excuse my french.,

Because of Covid the ward I was in they have sealed it off and are deep cleaning it and I spoke to a man and a woman who were waiting for a Bed each and the hospital is putting them up in a Hotel until the ward is sterile again.

What a day its been you would not believe it, and I am too knackard to post it just yet.

Bless you All, and from the bottom of my heart I would not of made it without each and every one of you, You Guys kept me going. and I won't forget that, And Tathra what can I say when words are not enough. :heart: :Y:
Just smile RR. :cool:

Now take it easy or you will get another
phone call at 4 in the morning. LOL

The fridges can wait. :playful:
One thing that did make me smile when I first got moved in to the final Hospital Ward, and I would not of belived it if I hadn't seen it or kept them as a momento, Is the first thing a Nurse pointed out to me was one of those Blackout Eye Patch thingys and a set of Ear Plugs and I had to ask " Are you taking the ****, Nope she was fairdinkum Ay, I opened the bag and sure enough thats what they were, Never in my life have I seen or heard of such a thing unless it was in certain situations, That gave me cause for worry, and although I never used them I soon found out why they were issued. ]:D

Ridge Runner said:
One thing that did make me smile when I first got moved in to the final Hospital Ward, and I would not of belived it if I hadn't seen it or kept them as a momento, Is the first thing a Nurse pointed out to me was one of those Blackout Eye Patch thingys and a set of Ear Plugs and I had to ask " Are you taking the ****, Nope she was fairdinkum Ay, I opened the bag and sure enough thats what they were, Never in my life have I seen or heard of such a thing unless it was in certain situations, That gave me cause for worry, and although I never used them I soon found out why they were issued. ]:D

Just the thing for a stay at RDH in Darwin. :Y:
Oh Joy of Joys, I slept right through to 12 O'clock mid day non stop, It's great to be back home,

The Staff were there 24/7 only feet away, I was really touched by what they did when I left because they knew I had been in there all week and as I was leaving they even bought me a couple of bags of food shopping to take home with me, They save your Life and stand by you around the clock and then they do something like that, Saying Thank You just doesn't seem enough some how, :heart: :heart: :goldnugget: :goldnugget: