Garrett LS Infinium information and questions

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Just bought a near new Infinium for $500 :D :D :D comes with the standard coil 10 x 14 inch DD. Couple of quick questions I want to look for small Gold in the creeks around here which coil would be best suited?

3 x 7 inch DD coil
5 x 10 inch DD coil

And whats he difference between the DD and mono coils?


The DD's will handle mineralised ground better i.e. run quieter but at a loss of some depth.
The mono's will give you better depth but may be noisy in mineralised ground so in reality you may still miss a deep/small target through "chatter". If you are in mild ground the mono's are the best choice as you get the extra depth.
If your after small gold in creeks the ground will be fairly shallow anyway so the DD's should do. I have similar sized DD coils as above & both are good for creeks etc. but the smaller the better to get in/around those cracks & crevices.
I don't use an Infinium though but coil selection is pretty much based on ground, required use etc.
I only have DD coils as the ground around here, while it can be mild in places, there is also a lot of mineralised areas so rather than have two of everything I just stick to the DD's plus both my machines are noted for performing better with them anyway (the GMT only runs DD coils). Not sure on the Infinium but I'm sure someone that uses one will reply on how they go with the different coils.
Cheers mbasko,

Never owned a detector before, the Infinium looks like a reasonable entry level machine not to complicated. This is a very belated 40th B'day pressie stoked to say the least.

Might get the smallest DD to start with and depending on where we go look at a mono further down the track

Col :D

My new toy arrived yesterday. I took the dog's to the river this arvo and had a very quick muck around.
Managed to find a couple of stubbie lids, a piece of aluminum foil, a pull tab and the pice de rsistance a 1974, 5c piece :p
Also locate a very deep target I'll go back in the next few days with a big shovel and have a proper dig. With any luck it might be a new car ;)


Another coil question :D ,

My 3 x 7 inch DD coil just arrived can I us it in creeks etc I understand you can't use them for diving but would it be ok snooping a foot or so underwater?

Also I read somewhere the other day to find small gold with the Infinium turn the threshold up a fair way and turn your head phones down has anyone else heard this or tried it?

Cheers in advance

What you heard is correct. Turning the threshold up to about 6 or so tends to increase the sensitivity...


Cheers for that Tye

Like most things I guess it will be a case of trial and error ;)
Don't suppose you know if the small DD coil is ok to stick in the creek?

Tye said:
What you heard is correct. Turning the threshold up to about 6 or so tends to increase the sensitivity...


Hey mate. Is this just for PI machines or will that work on a VLF model aswell?
Hi Greg , C&L,

I have heard of folks using the small double Ds submerged in shallow water but they are only rate for casual water contact like wet grass / light rain etc. I believe those that have submerged them use some sort of sealer where the cable goes into coil.

I would say you're taking your chances submerging one as they are not really made for that and wouldn't be covered under warrantee.

As far as I know it's just the Infinium that behaves this way.
No other PIs and no VLFs.

But, most all of those detectors have a sensitivity control to play with.


Please tell me why you can't put the coil & shaft in a heavy garbage bag to use in shallow water? That's what I do with my very old compass. cheers John.
You could do that... As long as you, some how, make sure no water gets in through your method of sealing if the opening of the bag might dip be low the water line and if you can make sure that while you're dragging that bag through the water, you don't tear it open on the jagged edge of some rock in the stream.. Etc.

You should be ok..but to me, mineralization permitting, the water proof 8" coil works pretty good getting around rocks and things and no water worries...


I take the skid plate off, fit the heavy duty garbage bag then refit the skid plate over the bag. I wrap the top of the bag around the shaft just below the control box & fix with masking tape. But yes care must be taken.
Here in the states even the heavy bags ... Aren't so heavy! Haha


Tye said:
Hi Greg , C&L,

I have heard of folks using the small double Ds submerged in shallow water but they are only rate for casual water contact like wet grass / light rain etc. I believe those that have submerged them use some sort of sealer where the cable goes into coil.

I would say you're taking your chances submerging one as they are not really made for that and wouldn't be covered under warrantee.

As far as I know it's just the Infinium that behaves this way.
No other PIs and no VLFs.

But, most all of those detectors have a sensitivity control to play with.



Thanks Tye I have ordered an 8" mono ;)



I think you'll like it ..... More sensitive to the small stuff too.


Hi all. Have tested my machine and thought best I post.

Firstly it must be broken because it didn't suck up any gold.

I gave it a run on the edge of the triangle (Merridith way). Lots of scanning. The unit when what I pressumed is balanced generates a very gentle quiet hum. I located sizable piece of lead about 18 inches deep in tough rocky dirt. 22 Casing about 4 inches. Small drink foil a few inches deep.

It seemed to handle the ground easily. Next time out I will try the ACE350 and compare to see how mineralised the ground is. I take it I now just have to keep on searching until I trip over the nuggets.

The unit on a hit sounds highlow. I pressume when I get over some sizable gold it will make the same noise. Is this correct?

As a total newbie any advice greatly accepted. PS I have a mono coil as well but havent tried it. Am I better to go to the mono or stick with the DD?


spriteah said:
I located sizable piece of lead about 18 inches deep in tough rocky dirt
seeing lead has almost the same characteristics (to a detector) as gold I'd say you are looking ok.