Fools gold

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Jun 8, 2013
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A mate of mine sent me a photo of this.
Couldn't give him a true answer. As photos make it hard to give a positive answer.
But going on the change of color and the block structure, I said it looks like iron pyrite.
Anyone know?
Geeeeez, if I got a target, and dug that up, I would crap my pants! I probably wouldn't notice the tin in the spoil, pyrite I've found is way less convincing than that. Nice rock, just the same.
The biggest link in the chain is the area and ground type this came from.

So many variables dude......looks like arsenopyrite in blue shale quartz from pic. All good indicators but what are the answers to these?

(1)Known gold bearing area? (2)Any weight to the piece?

(3)Does Detector give a signal? (4)Have you Done a specific gravity test?

(5) How was it with detector, just picked up off the ground, dug out from a hole?

(6) Does it shine like gold does after a sonic clean?

From previous experience, that dont look like gold to me.

Good luck dude ;)
I recall my Grandparents visited some Mining Museum in the 1980s in Tasmania,
They brought back Quartz with iron Pyrite just like that that they purchased at the tourist outlet, ( $2.00 each for really Nice looking specimens ) :D .
It certainly looks like gold to the untried eyes but its really only iron pyrite!
Some types gold ore consist of iron pyrites (iron sulfide), the gold yield can be significant but can be very difficult and costly to extract due to being locked up in the sulphides.

It's pyrite most likely but it's not always fools gold. :)
Its hard to see, you need to zoom in but i found pyrite in a adit at Bullarto a couple of weeks back and also found a little bit of gold on a reef that the adit was going into, so where you find pyrite it can be a good indicator that's there is gold not to far away.
Nightjar said:
Iron pyrites is not detectable but is generally associated with gold.
Here's a challenge for you, see if you can view this video to the end, could you imagine sitting around the campfire with him yapping in your ear?

Ha Ha, I actually like watching Jeff Williams. But then again i'm annoying too.
XIV said:
A mate of mine sent me a photo of this.
Couldn't give him a true answer. As photos make it hard to give a positive answer.
But going on the change of color and the block structure, I said it looks like iron pyrite.
Anyone know?
I was camp manager on a perlimary drill site 200 k south of cloncurry when a couple off drillers brought me a bucket of yella thinking they had found the mother load .It was manuble (soft) so i panned out more for a heat test .5mins on the barby flame it turned to black ash , bloody deep pyrite .I did not know that pyrite at 180 mt was not yet brittle. When the teaspoon i cooked it on cooled there was a small ammount of gold stain on it . Which taught me YES pyrite and gold go together .
Looks like Chalcopyrite to me, usually see it associated with galena and other sulphides - not to mention gold as well. Had a few good specimens from up Georgetown way with all of the previous mentioned in the same sample, usually from the odd vein outcropping along the creek edges. Most of those veins would never amount to much, with a majority of the good gear well and truly eroded away into alluvial deposits. :)
Saw that one on your page the other day too mate, I was half asleep and getting over the flu then so I had to look a few times.
With a close look you can see the little cubic forms that pyrite makes, its not an even colour though which makes me think theres a little gold in there somewhere but predominantly pyrite. By now being in the air it should have gone a nice brassy colour.

Id be following that vein of quartz if I was your mate.

Nice sample, if theres lots maybe crush and pan the dust just to check. :D

Take it easy,