Finds/gear bags

Prospecting Australia

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Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
Bass Coast, VIC
Another shitty windy cold day in Mexico, on days such as this, a young man's thoughts turn to gear and setting up the next hunt.

What do you use to keep the tools at hand, and or to store the loot and trash?

Got a tool belt I'm currently butchering into an over the shoulder number, not 100% right yet though.
I use one of those waist bags/wallet, I hang screwdriver, digging tool of the belt using cheap alloy key clips. All the junk goes in a calico coin bag.

Cheers, DD
Builders nail bag/pouch from bunnings....screwdriver hangs through the pencil/punch sleave and Lesche of the belt.
Main pocket for the rubbish , 2 tight pockets for the treasures... Perfect ;)
Bum bag, worn at the front/left, propointer mounted on that belt,detector in right hand, digger in left hand, headphones on,...keys and phone left hand shorts pocket under the bum bag, rubbish and recycleable metal into the bum bag,....good finds into the right hand shorts pocket in one smooth move as I stand up so that it's not noticeable, if anyone asks what you are finding you can just show them the bum bag contents(save yourself a mugging) and tell of how you are keeping the place clean and tidy,.... couldn't count the times that people have looked in the bum bag and then asked if the detector can find glass or plastic,... gotta love that naivety. ;)
I used to use the standard Minelab finds pouch, but now use a large black ammo dump bag mounted on my hip. The top of the bag is semi rigid, so it stays open ready to throw any junk in, plus I usually just throw the lesche and towel for excess soil in there as well. I prefer to have the lesche in the bag vs in its sheath, as it attracts less attention due to looking very "knife" like.

The top also has a velcro loop to close the bag, and velcro belt loops for easy removal without having to take off my belt. These are usually available at most disposals/outdoors shops and are very hard wearing.

Any valuable coins that I don't want scratched usually go straight into my vest front pocket. I ended up going for a larger bag to cater for the large amount of junk found at sites I detect, so rather than leave them in the ground, they either get thrown in the bin upon leaving, or disposed of at home. The Whites TRX sits in its pouch on my left side (cacky handed ;) )

I use the Garrett camo finds pouch. It has its own light weight belt, the main pocket for the junk & I carry the Garrett digging tool wedged in there. It also has a smaller inner pocket for the good stuff. My pro pointer attaches to the front of the pouch on the webbing provided. I've had it 2 1/2 years and still going strong. You can unclip it easily when jumping in the car at the end of the session and just roll it up. :)
i wear cargo type work pants, i usually put the trash in my left hand leg pocket, the rarely found treasure in the right hand side pocket and with the ally cans/larger rubbish i put in a plastic bag inside my backpack that i take with me, pro pointer is mounted on my hip mount belt along with my plastic scoop, carry the shovel
I've been using a pair of cargo work pants as well... good finds in the leg pockets and rubbish into a plastic bag I bring along so I can just dump it when I see a bin.
Also have an Aussie Disposals khaki pouch for anything else I find / use on the day.
I have ordered one of these. When I am out prospecting I have a pro harness with a camelbak.I have a pro pointer clipped on one side and the wireless h/phone module and a and small plastic scoop on the other so there is no where to clip a finds bag. Will find out how it goes once it gets here. Its on a slow boat from China lol.