Donating to charity why bother anymore ?

Prospecting Australia

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The financial reports for most charities are quite readily available online if one is questions the legitimacy of such organisations. Yes I don't quite agree with some current methods being utilised for collection of donations, though I think the money is being spent in the right places in most cases. Personally I prefer to donate things like clothes, toys and other goods vs cash.

What I am dubious about is the smaller charities run by individual celebrities, many of these are nothing more than tax avoidance scams. Unfortunately it is these sorts of charities that often tarnish others with the same brush.
Now we have 3 moderators in. :lol: :lol:
What are these art sort of things Cobber. ??
That came out a bit wrong so I have edited it. LOL
I do give to the doorknocker appeals too, I shouglfd just add. ;)
as suggested in the opening post there are many worthy charities which need our support and are being hurt by these boutique charities and the way they operate , the Salvo's are the only major who we continue to support mainly because I can see the money at work with them handing out much needed care at the coalface in the way of soup kitchens ,emergency care etc and I may be wrong but I was under the impression that their collectors were voluntary , the other two are the Adelaide Childrens Hospital and our local CFS / CFA as I can donate directly to them.
Sorry Golddigg but I am very sceptical of overseas charities and can not agree , I do not believe that 10 % of a donation making it through to the needy is acceptable and there has been too many circumstances where donated money has been syphoned by corrupt governments and diverted into funding wars especially in central Africa.

Christmas especially is a time for benevolence but now more than ever you need to be sure the money gets to the right place imo.
Basically I'm thinking of the steel sculptures you see on the sides of the highways. Yeah Maybee tradies had a job in making them so all good( didn't think that earlier) .
All the ones down here are donated or the artist has been engaged by the land holder.
He uses scrap steel. :D
I only donate to local charities in person and one of the best donations is time , don't hate the charities its the regulations and people involved that can be corrupt and be super careful with phone up charities looking for cash , they are either bogus or if you do donate they either hound you for more or pass your number on to more charities.

Think local I say and help those that help you or someone you know.
Bush fire brigades usualy have bucket brigade up home, main road, holding buckets, and motorists stop and give what they can, ill give to them every time, when im down south at parents place.
I see plenty of people getting charity up here but dont need it.
Bacchus said:
as suggested in the opening post there are many worthy charities which need our support and are being hurt by these boutique charities and the way they operate , the Salvo's are the only major who we continue to support mainly because I can see the money at work with them handing out much needed care at the coalface in the way of soup kitchens ,emergency care etc and I may be wrong but I was under the impression that their collectors were voluntary , the other two are the Adelaide Childrens Hospital and our local CFS / CFA as I can donate directly to them.
Sorry Golddigg but I am very sceptical of overseas charities and can not agree , I do not believe that 10 % of a donation making it through to the needy is acceptable and there has been too many circumstances where donated money has been syphoned by corrupt governments and diverted into funding wars especially in central Africa.

Christmas especially is a time for benevolence but now more than ever you need to be sure the money gets to the right place imo.

I hear ya mate but save the children is an Australian organization with full disclosure and luve stats for their funds placement. I dont for one second doubt that there are organizations rorting the system... sadly aussies give openly without question and thats a problem in itself.
I do some work with an accounting practice who provides audits for charities in qld its big business for them... a small practice with 30 employees and an average charity is a $100k per year in revenue for them. Dont worry i see it i know its business and its sad and i dont like it. But i still think the majority of our system takes up alot of the funding.

I dont really want to touch base on overseas as i tend to want to lend a hand where a situation is worse than our own but thats a whole other subject.
I agree 100% with Detecta2, this is a really hard forum and Bjay, mate, some people look at their local patch and some look at the world as being neighbours. I for one have two sponsorship's oversees and give to other charities that help farmers in Australia especially Qld that has 86% drought.
Golddigg is correct it takes people to make things happen and people have to be paid and rightly so.
Tell me that the Wesley Mission doesn't deserve every penny they get!
Wake up Australia and stop thinking about yourselves and start thinking of the less fortunate including NEW AUSTRALIANS, lets help each other as we always have and always will.
Sorry but...............
This years Laanecoorie Gold Bash, our expenses was $1,317.35, being only 7.07% of total raised, $18,648.50. And the total amount that we handed over to Peter Mac. $17,331.15. Peter Mac can't get over how we can raise this type of money with so little over heads. They tell us that our expenses can not exceed 30% of the overall funds raised.

I was also reading about a charity in Brisbane only a few weeks ago, that were raising funds to help fight and understand mental disease. This company was set up and run by mainly one family. They had purchase a Ferrari sports car, a Hummer, traveled to India 1st. class for a wedding and stayed in 5 star hotels. They also paid all they wages into the charity as a tax dodge and then got the charity to pay for food and their everyday over heads. They raised many millions of dollars per year all in the name of charity. The ATO has now cancelled their charity status and are doing a full investigation.
Wombat ;)
Makka, our tax dollars help out new Australians that can, t help themselves.
I meet quite a lot in my job, some are employed by our department, in fact some are sponsered and relocated to Australia by our department.
You helped to pay for them.
There are so many great and worth while charities out there, but one must be careful as to which one is the best for you to donate to.
Folks fork out millions of dollars donating to cancer research,
To build drugs to help,
Then if you require one type of drug for cancer it normally costs thousands of dollars for that treatment,that will most likely kill,
Donate money to help the drug company to build drugs to make them richer,
I don't like to think about this stuff as it frustrates me so I'm out of this thread,
Think it is a pointless discussion now as it's not going to change anything,
wombat said:
This years Laanecoorie Gold Bash, our expenses was $1,317.35, being only 7.07% of total raised, $18,648.50. And the total amount that we handed over to Peter Mac. $17,331.15. Peter Mac can't get over how we can raise this type of money with so little over heads. They tell us that our expenses can not exceed 30% of the overall funds raised.

I was also reading about a charity in Brisbane only a few weeks ago, that were raising funds to help fight and understand mental disease. This company was set up and run by mainly one family. They had purchase a Ferrari sports car, a Hummer, traveled to India 1st. class for a wedding and stayed in 5 star hotels. They also paid all they wages into the charity as a tax dodge and then got the charity to pay for food and their everyday over heads. They raised many millions of dollars per year all in the name of charity. The ATO has now cancelled their charity status and are doing a full investigation.
Wombat ;)
I will not donate to charities because of the thieves involved but I make a direct deposit of as much caned and non perishable food that I can afford at the time usually around Christmas time and drop it off at the salvos office.

Captain Zero said:
I will not donate to charities because of the thieves involved but I make a direct deposit of as much caned and non perishable food that I can afford at the time usually around Christmas time and drop it off at the salvos office.

I do the same. One Christmas the neighbors were down and out and told me how they got through, and I've been donating since. That's about as close as I get to monetary donations.
I go the other way and find organizations wanting time donated, even helped the kids overseas build a new school. We are blessed to live in such an affluent society we have an obligation to extend the hand of humanity. But as rightly pointed out its damn hard to tell who's legit and who are rouges. At least donating your time you can wholeheartedly know you are making a difference.
I will quote my grandmother, and her mother-"Charity begins at home".
Ever been through Wilcannia?
Ever seen the living conditions in the East Kimberley? The town camps around Alice??
You could probably find some of the most deserving and in need of charity in your own town.
Personally my best year ever was $38KPA....ONCE. So I don't really have spare cash laying around.

But if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't be giving it to a shiny-bum corporation.

The problem in Oz is the plethora of incompetent snouts in the government trough legislating and facilitating to keep the poorest poor, destitute, or in jail. Creating desperation and disfunction by city-centric elitist policy. Facilitating like-minded parasites to disinherit the children.
They said they couldn't make a profit from banking,power,water, essential and major services, so they palmed them all off. Now the money we pay goes into offshore bank accounts, limousines and mansions instead of the public coffers. They could have. Quite obviously. They were, and still are, just too lazy and wasteful with OUR money.
If we replaced corporate puppets, narcissistic superiorists and imbeciles with Elders and visionaries, there would be plenty to go around.

The biggest rip-off charity is the government. :mad:
wombat said:
This years Laanecoorie Gold Bash, our expenses was $1,317.35, being only 7.07% of total raised, $18,648.50. And the total amount that we handed over to Peter Mac. $17,331.15. Peter Mac can't get over how we can raise this type of money with so little over heads. They tell us that our expenses can not exceed 30% of the overall funds raised.

I was also reading about a charity in Brisbane only a few weeks ago, that were raising funds to help fight and understand mental disease. This company was set up and run by mainly one family. They had purchase a Ferrari sports car, a Hummer, traveled to India 1st. class for a wedding and stayed in 5 star hotels. They also paid all they wages into the charity as a tax dodge and then got the charity to pay for food and their everyday over heads. They raised many millions of dollars per year all in the name of charity. The ATO has now cancelled their charity status and are doing a full investigation.
Wombat ;)

Hey Wombat,
Why don't we raise money that will help us prospectors....???
PMAV, NAPFA and the likes to help fight the mongrels that want to lock us out of our hobbies.