Did you guys go panning by yourself only before or must with someone

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First time was with my Wife, after that she wanted nothing more to do with it so now I usually go with another family member of friend :lol:. Doing it alone is fine but while I do enjoy the piece and quite I much prefer having a panning partner to chat with.
I go Solo all the time, Its 2013 all you need is youtube and a pan to get started. The Internet is the worlds greatest teacher along with trial and error. Cheers Balx
I just had 3 days away. First day I was in the creek alone for 6 hours in the morning. Went back to town, lunch and a spell. Then out for 3 hours with the Bride.
Next day by myself again. Last day with the lady again.
Enjoyed both. The time alone was cool. Just the babble of the creek and odd sheep bleat :) never saw another soul when by myself. Week days tho.
Thanks all. One of the reasons why I prefer have someone come with me is safety in case something goes wrong someone may know about it...
Something can go wrong at home!
Partner is good , but dont let that stop you if you don't .... Just tread carefull and keep your eyes open .
Been to many far away places without eperb or anything such.... Hasn't bothered me yet.life is for living ... Not worrying about it. Having said that , safety gear is something not to be overlooked. Actually fitting a lot of that to my yacht now.
Just be prepared.
I want to go to GG tomorrow but noone go with me... either they have plan or have to study/assignment (while Im on annual leave)..... 8.(
Just go, Its great fun, common sense will keep you safe, Its much more dangerous walking around a big city than it is ever going to be out the bush. I never have phone reception and an often along way from anywhere, If your worried about snakes wear gumboots, if your worried about being lost keep yourself between a road and a river then you cant get lost. Plus added bonus of Australian bush is no Bears or Tigers/Lions. ;)
Im just as happy to be out on my own as having company.
A mate and i tend to do an occaisional night mission.
Gotta say its a buzz. No interuptions, just dig, drink coffee and
Talk s#*T all night.
My tip is to be familiar with ya spots before you get out there.
I dont worry too much about what may happen or id live in a padded cell
Dress to and be prepared for most conditions and have plan 29C ready just in case.
While you are right Malau, travelling to very remote places alone may not be a good idea if not experienced. GG is very safe, as KingS said just tread carefully and watch out you don't step on a snake. The site at the bridge is quite clear of long grass, easy to park only a few metres from the creek.

Watch out for glass in your sieve too, as some boofhead has broken a few bottles there in the creek.

Also watch out for Sheep on those dirt roads approaching GG.

Much more dangerous in Sydney. :)
G'day,I work alone, some times don't see the property owner for days. With my job if I have a day off (I'm my own boss) I check out google earth to see what's around and will go and have a dig and pan session, maybe wave the defector around. The last encounter with wildlife was with a bush chook (turkey). I was sitting in a waterhole test panning when I heard a noise behind me in the lantana, I turned slowly around and saw this bush chook appear and walk down to the water hole a meter away and starting drinking and when he finished he looked at me and walked off. I love nature and this wouldn't have happened if I had someone with me as I can talk the leg off an iron pot when I get going and that tends to chase everything.
:) Mick

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