Weights on the roof and bonnet to help hold the wheels onto the bottom..... not too stupid, if'n it weren't for the water.... she'd a made it fir sure Sand Surfer
Did this sort of thing many times when I was young. I tried to get home to Upper Brookfield in my Fiat 600. The front washed down stream so I had to do a quick left "U" turn and returned the way I came. It was last creek crossing before home and I had to walk but it put me on the wrong side of the creek. I went back over the previous crossing so I could walk home over the hill.
Should try it in a Minni MB..... 4 of us young fellas flying down a hill only to find the creek at the bottom was Flooded... Mate just pointed it and floored it...... We skimmed all the way across to the other side.. and it worked....
Love Cyclone Season.. Fascinating Beasts....... The first for QLD but more to come this Season...
Every time we went on yellow alert, there’d be a mad scramble to the local dump, to the hardware & grocery store (and the grog shop). All from people who ignored the cyclone preparedness warning throughout the rest of the year.
Every. Damn. Time.