Check yourself for Ticks

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Feb 18, 2013
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Warming up so there will be a few of these little buggers around. Both my son and I had one after our bush trip yesterday.

Just wondering what tricks you use to sort them out?

I put butter on the one on my boy and mine will be getting a cotton bud with flyspray wiped on it :cool:

This pic is the one currently chowing down on my leg :D

Make sure the head comes out with it, I had a tick bite get infected 3 years after I pulled it out, head was still in there. :(
Hi you can get a gadget from the vets that enables you to get the whole thing out. It is important you don't squeeze the body getting it out that will force more poison into the wound. I use a piece of cotton tied in a loop pass the loop over the body around the neck and tighten then pull it will all come out. Then put a bit of antiseptic on it it will be fine. A bit of metho gets them off too. I used to get a few on my dogs when pig hunting. I also got one off my wife's ear once using the cotton. The paralysis tick can kill a dog in a couple of days we get a few around Lake Macquarie and lost a small dog to them a couple of years ago didn't find the tick until it was too late. Cheers Tom.
I use the same technique as Saltytom. It's quick, painless and doesn't leave any tick behind. Once the tick is out, good first aid treatment is all that's required. I've had hundreds of the Bloody things on me due to work! Some ticks carry Lyme Disease so any fevers or unusual reactions after being exposed to a tick should investigated by your family Doctor. But don't be to worried about them or Bloody LEACHES! (Don't pull a leach off! Sprinkle salt on them and they fall off. Again first aid only after that! If you have not salt, areoguard, metho, turps etc will cause the to drop off.
I don't really have a problem with leaches, they drop off once they're done :p

Young fella flipped his lid recently when one was on him in the car. I pulled over and put it on my hand and let it hunt around for a while showing him it was relatively harmless. He's gotten his mother's fraidyness of crawlies. The youngest one though has no fear....
I had one in the side of my head for ages.... thought it was just a migrane for a week..

They arnt much fun. The paralysis ones dont go too well with cats either, they dont last as long as dogs. We had one cat paralyzed undee the tree gasping, took it to vets overnight visit and all that. Then the next week the expensive cat went on the road and didnt get to the other side....

Ticks suck.. :)
A few facts to help with ticks leeches mosquitoes.
They find you by the trail you leave. They follow your breath......carbon dioxide......yes they find there prey by following our signature.
We breath in air exhale co2.

Hint: don't walk back on the same trail you walked in on......they will be waiting for you.
What i mean is don't walk back exactly in the same spot.

Ticks fall from the trees onto you because they are waiting for you.

Leeches the same.
Find a leech and breath on it prop up and look for your exhaled breath ( Co2)
Leeches have a feeding duration of approximately 30 mins then drop off.
The reason we don't feel them is they excrete a local anesthetic and them glue themselves to you...... they then insert an anti cloting agent to let the blood flow.......they do not have claws or spikes otherwise you would feel them on you. ( old myth).
Both ticks and leeches use the same method of connection (a form of adhesive)

Now for the no so good part.......both carry nasties. As well as micro tape worms.
So please don't irritate them with metro, kerosene, auroguard after they are attached.
They will inject you with there, for a better word poison.
Tick extractors or removers Purchased from the vet's very cheap. They are green.
Or your pet food supply store.
Work better on us than dogs and cats.
Do not use will miss the head.

Or the cotton loop method works well on larger ticks.

This works with ticks
Eat heaps of onions before venturing out....yeah on
Or garlic.......high volume tabs are best.
All onions are a natural source of sulphur heard it here first.
The healing power is the sulphur not the garlic smell.
Enough said.

they will attach then drop off pretty well straight away.
I get my clients to feed there horses rock sulphur as powder about a hand full per day in tick infested areas.
No more ticks.

Prevention is the best method.
Tropical auroguard or high strength Bushmans sprayed in boots on socks.
On exposed skin every 15 minutes
Don't stay in the same spot keep moving.
They search for a warm spots or high blood flow areas. Between the legs under arms around the ankles where there are large veins and arteries close to surface.

TO REMOVE OR NOT? (They drop off after 30 minutes)
Salt salt salt.........they drop of instantly.
Scrape them off with a knife.........NO
No not attempt to pull them off........remember the nasties they excrete when touched or squeezed.
Wait for this one
LINKS deodorant for men........sure fire leech killer.........stops them in there tracks.
Vitamin C tablets if you have a tick reaction works well as you local doctor.

Find you by your breathing. Exactly the same method of exhalation of Co2 (carbon dioxide) breath in air (oxygen , hydrogen, other gases) breath out Co2 they then find you.

Insect repellent is about it.

Stop breeding pattern around you home.
Empty any unused water container.
Change pets water supply on a regular basis.
If you can't because you need to use the water.....just spray olive oil on surface of water........they can't lay the lava to become rigglers.

Sure hope this helps out
Having spent many years in PNG travelling in tropical jungles where leaches were prevalent we used to coat the outside of the shoes and gaiters with soap and this would really slow them down...still ended up with a few and they were really large fellows ...quite a surprise to find that you felt like you were walking in wet socks only to find a boot full of blood from the leach that ended up being squashed after filling up on your blood.

I like the "onions" idea as this could be easily arranged although any companions would need to do the same....we used to have an old remedy for headaches where you put a string of onions around your neck before bed and in the morning you could smell the onion on your breath...I wonder if wearing onions would do the same???

Awesome write-up there smithy :) lots of helpfull info..

And to stop the bleeding from leeches is the ground pepper the best?
Thanks Thesmithy, just wondering if you know where ticks prefer to lodge themselves. Also is there a topical spray one could use to repel them. I'm thinking I don't want to constantly smell like garlic and onion. can you feel ticks when they lodge themselves in. Cheers
AuSearch said:
can you feel ticks when they lodge themselves in. Cheers

No, they get a little tender in the area after a day or so and the red blotch around them makes them stand out. I've only had them in my thigh and groin area. My son has had them on his legs, ear, underarm and neck.

I had a leach on my knob once, freaked the %*^# out when I saw that lol, oh the blood! HAHA
Ben78 said:
AuSearch said:
can you feel ticks when they lodge themselves in. Cheers

No, they get a little tender in the area after a day or so and the red blotch around them makes them stand out. I've only had them in my thigh and groin area. My son has had them on his legs, ear, underarm and neck.

I had a leach on my knob once, freaked the %*^# out when I saw that lol, oh the blood! HAHA
I'm not askin' how you removed it...
Ben78 said:
AuSearch said:
can you feel ticks when they lodge themselves in. Cheers

No, they get a little tender in the area after a day or so and the red blotch around them makes them stand out. I've only had them in my thigh and groin area. My son has had them on his legs, ear, underarm and neck.

I had a leach on my knob once, freaked the %*^# out when I saw that lol, oh the blood! HAHA

Hope you pulled off the right little leach 8)
Sw1fty said:
Ben78 said:
AuSearch said:
can you feel ticks when they lodge themselves in. Cheers

No, they get a little tender in the area after a day or so and the red blotch around them makes them stand out. I've only had them in my thigh and groin area. My son has had them on his legs, ear, underarm and neck.

I had a leach on my knob once, freaked the %*^# out when I saw that lol, oh the blood! HAHA
I'm not askin' how you removed it...

Back in those days the standard way I used to remove leaches was to snip them in half, not surprisingly they drop right off when you do that. Very carefully with lots of measure twice cut once lol