Petition For QLD Fossickers

Prospecting Australia

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Already got one signature, let's get this 5,000 that would be great.

Got another one, that's 2. We're on the way.
Just some thoughts that might help. In my dealings with Government Departments I have found it better to stick with facts & not let too much emotion rule what you are writing or saying. I.e.
"The laws will not let us use highbankers, (sluices and hopper with motor to pump water), other states can use virtually whatever they like within certain guidelines of course. QLD laws state that we cannot use any mechanical means, i.e. not petrol motors to pump the water, not even a 12v battery, all has to be hand done."
The law in some other states like NSW is not black & white on the use of highbankers either. It is really up to the interpretation of the inspector/ranger on the day but they are widely used without issue. Some areas where fossicking is allowed do not allow their use which is within the landholder or managers rights.
Other states cannot use virtually whatever they like. All other states have prohibitions or restrictions on the use of power-operated equipment, especially for excavation, but some also on processing. To be honest I don't have a problem with that for hobby prospecting/fossicking but in saying that the "intent" of any states legislation would not be to disallow things like sluices/highbankers but rather stop larger processing & excavation equipment being used.
Using emotive statements like "Nazi style system" & accusing inspectors of hassling or intimidation (whether true or not) will usually not be well received by the red tape pushers mate & they will just go into defensive mode + put the barriers up.
Access to more area, for example state forests, is the biggest current issue in Qld. As it stands with few area's; using highbankers in small areas may not be ideal. Going off other states there would be no doubt people/groups who would soon wreck a small area like Deep Creek by doing the wrong thing (not filling holes etc.) & building large bankers, trommels etc. outside of what most would consider the fair or intended scope of being a hobby. Until more & larger areas were made available it might be best? I would start off focusing on the access & area issues. Just my opinion.
I 100% support what your trying to do & understand fully where your coming from but when dealing with these issues it's best to keep things factual & professional to get a better response.
Thanks for your advice mbasko, I have found it hard to get some of the facts that I was after, i.e the amount of registered fossickers in QLD and the area in total set aside for prospecting, yes I agree some of my comments are a bit harsh, and I will get rid of the 'Nazi' bit and the one about the inspector, with that one I was trying to draw attention to the fact that we are trying to do the right thing here and this mate of ours is being harassed, this is not fair or acceptable. What do you think we should do about this particular situation?

Once again thanks for your sound advice.

Ok mbasko, have changed it tell me what you think, and if you have any facts that relate to this issue I would love to hear them.

Looks good mate. I'll try to get some more info for you once I'm off nightshift.
If you feel an inspector has been unfair or intimidating I would take it up direct with the office he is from firstly. If done in a calm manner somethings might be able to get sorted? If I was still not happy I'd then go to the State office or Minister with those concerns.
mbasko said:
Looks good mate. I'll try to get some more info for you once I'm off nightshift.
If you feel an inspector has been unfair or intimidating I would take it up direct with the office he is from firstly. If done in a calm manner somethings might be able to get sorted? If I was still not happy I'd then go to the State office or Minister with those concerns.

Yeah good mate, thanks for that, when we go for a pan with the strict limitations on us already, the last thing we need is some bureaucrat hassling a person on a week end.
Thanks guys, up to 10 so far will let you know how it goes and keep it updated.
I would like to add a photo to make it more emotional, any Idea's anyone on the forum with photo's from deep creek, would you mind if I use a photo please for the petition? Would be greatly appreciated, one without any person in it, just of the area and has user rights so I can use it?


I just signed the petition.
Just a bit of friendly advice, you need to get someone to proof read stuff like that before you submit it, as you are too emotionally involved & just to check things read okay.
I would also suggest giving the powers that be an idea of what you are seeking in regards equipment, there is a lot more going on that we should be collectively pushing & I have made a post in the past about the QLD Laws, time was not right for me to take it on back then & still not good but there is light at the end of the tunnel & I am still passionate about seeking change.
We need to make GOVT realise the economic benefits of changing the Laws.
Thanks Lee, yeah I have modified it with advice from another member, and yes should get people to proof read it, should have posted it here first, but I can edit as I go.

Yes good Idea, about giving the powers to be an Idea of what we want in regard to using various equipment.

thanks for your input Lee.

Let's hope that maybe someone will hear our cry.

