Cabwoody catch-up thread....

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 10, 2013
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Hi all, I haven't posted on here for quite some time so I thought I would put up some catch-up posts in the form of a continuing thread. This will provide some posts on where I've been detecting and what I've found. As I've only been detecting since September last year hopefully it will also give newcomers a bit of an insight into what can be achieved if you persevere and enjoy what is an awesome hobby.I will endeavour to submit posts evey couple of days for the time between when I last posted here until up to date. Hope you find the pics and info interesting.

Hi all.I went to Caloundra for the first time in a while.Found a few $$$ and then a silver ring which is somewhat of a puzzle.My wife,my daughter, some work colleagues and I have all spent hours trying to put it together without success.(one of the girls at work threw a spanner in the works when she suggested that maybe there was a link missing...Grrrrrr).Thinking of taking it to the jeweller who cleans the crusty jewellery I find (handy doing this as he gives an estimate on value as well) to see if he can put it together and solder it in place.After I found this I was heading back to the car when a lady from a large group of women doing a 'Boot Camp" beach session came over to me and said she lost an earing and asked me if I could look for it.They then headed off up the beach so I spent about 10 minutes looking for it.Found it then walked up the beach (200 metres in the opposte direction to my car) and returned it to her to the sound of all the other hyped up women cheering and yahooing.

December 2013....
I took my son for a detector training session on a large grassy area out the front of a nearby church where they have a small second-hand/craft market once a month.The idea was to teach him how to swing the detector and pin-point properly.I left my detector at home and just took my Pro-Pointer and ground probe as we were only aiming for shallow coins, and I told him any coins he found were his,and I decide on Jewellery.He used his knowledge of where the stalls are normally sited to scan, and two hours later he had $20.25 in coins and two silver rings (the rings were found beside a bus shelter on the footpath).He was absolutely wrapped.He got to keep the coins and his mum got another couple of rings.He is now saving up because he wants to buy the detector outright so he gets to keep everything he finds.(After seeing the Pro-Pointer in action he also wants to save for a Pro-Pointer).He's hooked!
December 2013....
Hi all. I went for a swing at a couple of beaches. Firstly, at 6:30 p.m at Beach 1 only to find a guy that had already scanned the beach.He said he didn't find much and that the beach had been dozed/graded, with the sand pushed up towards where some temporary volleyball courts were set up.He had done the beach and the water with not much luck apart from lots of bottle tops.After 2 1/2 hours I had a couple of dollars, a junk "diamond" stud earring and a bum bag full junk.Next, to Beach 2 at 10:30.I suspect this beach had also been detected before me and also think the person had discriminated out the foil range as I kept finding 5 cent pieces and not much else.At 12:15 a.m I decided to try a couple of less obvious spots and BINGO! a ring.Arrived home at 1:15 (gee time flies when you're having fun) and cleaned the ring up a little bit.It was gold! Stamped with 375.Then I had a chuckle because the ring was formed into tha letter "N" and my mum's name is Norma.When I found my first ever ring (silver) it had my wife's birthstone in it and was inscribed with the letter "R" and her name is Regina.Freaky!!!
I've noticed you on the mlo forum and you have found some good stuff. I see the ctx is now your main detector?
Some people aren't as thorough as they should be, makes me laugh when they run all over the beach with no set plan, swinging the detector like it is a tennis racket. Great ring for your efforts, certainly can't neglect those pull tabs, even if they are a pain. :D
Sa_bogan said:
I've noticed you on the mlo forum and you have found some good stuff. I see the ctx is now your main detector?
I have the CTX for land/shallow water/beach, and the Excal 11 for beach/saltwater. If going to the beach to get in the water (daytime) I take the Excal. If going at night and doing wet/dry sand I take the CTX. Sometimes I take both and decide once I'm there and see the conditions. However, I won't take both, and leave one in the car, if it is a very hot day.
Hi all....The great start I had to this great hobby with the ACE 250 was followed by continued success with the AT Pro. During this time I developed a keen interest in detecting at the beach and decided that I needed a machine designed more specifically for saltwater. So in mid-January I bought an Excal 11 and a Stavr Scoop. However, a niggly shoulder injury developed into frozen shoulder so the excal and the Stavr sat in a corner until mid-April when I was able to get back in the swing. Here are some finds since I started using it....1891 QV Penny;9ct wedding band;9ct signet ring;18ct buckle ring;18ct gold,platinum and diamond trilogy ring. Cheers....




Hi all....after not being able to detect for three months due to a frozen shoulder I was able to get back hunting in mid-April....just as Minelab had a special on the CTX3030 (bonus 17" coil). I couldn't resist....what a machine, I love it. Here are some finds....1951 Australian Threepence;silver flower ring; silver shield signet ring;9ct band;9ct gold and Garnet ring;22ct band;50 cal round....Cheers.





Nice finds Darren

The ACE is going well down here

enjoying every minute

Did you check out the whites range of beach/salt water detectors
before the The CTX

Cheers Mark
Thanks Mr T, I'm glad you're enjoying the 250....great little machine. Things have slowed up for me with my dodgey shoulder but hoping to get back into it more seriously soon. Have done three short hunts in the last two weeks for a total of $93.80, a silver ring and a couple of junk rings. The CTX was in my sights for a while before I bought it as an upgrade for the AT Pro. Great for land, beach (wet and dry sand), and shallow water (fresh and salt). Just ordered a set of Surffones (water-resistant headphones) for rain and accidental drops in the water for the CTX (Grey Ghost phones have poor reviews due to low volume and I've tried the yellow Koss phones....same result). I have the Excal 11 for if I need to go underwater. Cheers.