Prospecting Australia

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Dear god, no, Hippy! :argh:

People can of course have their own opinion about our flag - good or bad - you're entitled to your opinion STC, and I'm not arguing with you if you don't like it.

I do like it. I think it's a good looking and distinctive flag, and believe it should be treated respectfully and properly as defined in the Australian Govt protocols for our flag - and there are a lot of them! Has anyone ever read them?

Here's part 2 of the government's protocols, taken from the Dept of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

Yeah, I have! Moreso recently....
I used the flag as a prop for an 'event', and a serving soldier went 'off' when he saw our use of the flag.

I read up on the 'rules' and realised that as the organiser, I could have upset some people.

So consequently, I apologised and removed the $4 item from our equipment list.
Pretty sure we dont make clothing in Australia any more, so doesnt really matter to me where it comes from. To me its a great commemorative piece and I reakon Ill get one.
MegsyB007 I just went back and looked at the video again, and I still think we were a little hard done by to cop a barrage of comments such as 'sacrelidge' etc

It makes me wonder about the photos above, of Aussie Thongs and bikini's, kids with plastic flags at tikker tape parades...

Anyway, if the mods will allow it, here's the video that caused us grief!
The very start is an ABC Journo that we put to the slaughter!!
The flag bit is half way through, then the 'bad bit' is at the end...
Yeah, sorry, we're out of sync now. I just edited my post after watching it through. I got confused looking for the journo doing a story at the start.

Yes, that wasn't the way to handle our flag. It should never touch the ground, for one thing...

Simmo said:
MegsyB007 I just went back and looked at the video again, and I still think we were a little hard done by to cop a barrage of comments such as 'sacrelidge' etc

It makes me wonder about the photos above, of Aussie Thongs and bikini's, kids with plastic flags at tikker tape parades...

Anyway, if the mods will allow it, here's the video that caused us grief!
The very start is an ABC Journo that we put to the slaughter!!
The flag bit is half way through, then the 'bad bit' is at the end...

Well you didn't burn it or put it directly on the ground Simmo but it is no different to what happens when military units carry their colours with them. The opposing force love capturing their enemies colours. Your fine with me. :Y:


Hi all,
This is the website selling the shirts I posted above.

Before going further I must state that I, as a veteran myself, don't like to see our flag being mucked around with.
However, I personally believe that a product like this does a great honour to those who serve and have served our country, specially for this Anzac Day.
LEST WE Forget.

Another example of their products -


NOTE: Please don't let this post degenerate into a slanging match over the rights or wrongs of displaying our flag like this.
Don't know what to say
The Australian flag is a very important and sometimes controversial figure us all and we may have got off topic.
To me Anzac day is sacred when we take u moment to pay tribute to everyone who put their hand up to represent our great nation on the battlefield the most horrific workplace imaginable.
Who put they hand up to go there whether we agree or do not why they were there.
The great men and women who suffered,cared and died for us left at home.
The best the brightest the bravest the most caring.
Age shall not weary you
And you shall not grow old
We will remember
Lest we forget :fistpump:
History / Summary
This Union Jack was flown above one of the Signal Offices at Gallipoli and remained fluttering from its pole until removed by the Offical Historian, Charles Bean, just prior to the completion of the Evacuation from 19 to 20 December 1915.

When the First World War began, Bean won an Australian Journalists Association ballot and became official correspondent to the AIF. He accompanied the first convoy to Egypt, landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 and began to make his name as a tireless, thorough and brave correspondent. He was wounded in August but remained on Gallipoli for most of the campaign, leaving just a few days before the last troops.

excerpt from the Australian War Museum, the New Zealand Blue Ensign was flown at Gallipoli.

The Red Ensign was in use around this time

Well it sure is going to be different for everyone and even difficult for some no doubt. I thought I'd start this thread for anyone who wants to share their ideas pictures and thoughts.

Today I did a run up north to Pyramid Hill and knew I'd be seeing some hay bale art, last year I was amazed at the talent in one particular paddock. Well this year they have raised the bar, check out these creations, thinking of building one myself but doubt I'll have the time.







Thanks to everyone who has served or is currently serving in the Australian and New Zealand armed forces :clap: :clap: :Y: :beer: