An Ode to us All.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
An Ode to us All
There is often nowhere you can turn to
No one to understand
There's no channel you can switch to
For 'Happy on Demand'.

Life never seems to bother about
Things like 'how you feel'
You're sentenced to the Darkness
And, there is no appeal.

But, just when all seems hopeless
When you need a friend the most
The best thing that you could have done
Is, 'send' that Forum post.

Oh look, God knows I've fought the 'Dog'
It's black teeth bit me deep
Day after day, no end in sight
No food, no rest, no sleep

I questioned everything I was
Or, what I'd ever done!
To warrant such a cruel blow
But, no answer ever come.

So these days now, I'm more content
There's no such blood and tears!
I, write things down and hope my words
Will echo down the years.

My laptop's on! I start's to write
I get's stuck into it!
I hope my words will ease your mind
And then, I press, SUBMIT! :lol:
That's spot on Cobber.
I dips me lid to ya, you have a real talent for Poetry Reefer and i enjoy it.
Thx from Dolphin.
That is the Rossco I know.
And only one mistake.
Fixed and Thank You Cobber. :Y:
Thanks ,Tathradj...for the fix...I am getting a little better 'read careful' with what I do with the keyboard so as to write directly onto the forum :rolleyes: yet I still stuffed it up a little
mate :p I'm working on an epic yarn...the basis of which is true...only the twists and turns,
and some locations have I taken literary licence with.Some of the details...lots of... :8 I can't exactly recall. :rolleyes: but it's a cracking yarn..or will hopefully be :p
Daniel Sutherland..(the character around who, so much drama and intrigue abound) was the brother of my Paternal G, Grand Uncle!
So..I'm doing it up on Onenote...I'll rattle it off in the coming weeks...and send you the file mate! will almost certainly need a bit of nip-tuck!...hehe!... :cool:

Ramjet!...I'm so grateful for your appraisal!...Knowing that it 'touched you'..brought a small secretion to my eyes! 8..... :p ( ..isn't it good to be human.)
This place makes brothers and sisters of us all Reefer,.... we're all livin under this one roof mate !
:party: :party: :party:
ok Doug!...I warn's an EPIC! 8) And is a continuation of the verse..Boy to Man. Will need to decide if it should be done in instalments...that's probably the best way to go..but then again..we'll see I guess :p
At the same time, I am researching for a piece that may be said by some, to be somewhat
...'controversial'..I will need to discuss this with you at a later date. The story will be written regardless but obviously not published here if deemed unsuitable.It pertains to a white man who finds himself ....(not as white as he thought he was"! ] a dream...and discovers that he is not alone but attended by two a murry!..and the other a Torres Straightsman..A Tiwi. ]:D It also will be rather lengthy...but first there's Christmas and then a trip away for me.. ]:D :cool: So all in all 2018 will be a huge year for me!..and there are still a lot of stories from my old ones that I have not touched on as yet! :p :rolleyes: So I would be grateful for your assistance in bringing it to the is the video project progressing> ]:D ..can't wait to see that, I can assure you! :p :Y: :Y:
Won't be a problem Reefer. :)
I think we all have the blood of the ancestors in us.
I can censor it for you to make it suitable for broadcast on here.
Without destroying an epic.
That is if the piece needs it. :D :D
Hey reefer

If ever you need an ear to bash look me up mate. In the meantime keep the great works coming. I love reading them.
Your welcome mate we have to look after each other. This is what it is all about., I think. Will try to ring you tomorrow.
This is my favorite poem and the way I look at life .

When you get all you want and you struggle for pelf,

and the world makes you king for a day,

then go to the mirror and look at yourself

and see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your mother, your father or wife

whose judgment upon you must pass,

but the man, whose verdict counts most in your life

is the one staring back from the glass.

He's the fellow to please,

never mind all the rest.

For he's with you right to the end,

and you've passed your most difficult test

if the man in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,

And think you're a wonderful guy,

But the man in the glass says you're only a bum

If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world,

down the highway of years,

and take pats on the back as you pass.

But your final reward will be heartache and tears

if you've cheated the man in the glass.
Nice one you know the Odist who wrote it?...just for the record :)
For a long time, that bloke in my mirror and I, were not good friends at all! ]:D ..but we do alright now..I still think I'm better looking than him though! :rolleyes: :p
pete 165...I looked for your call mate...but there does not seem to be your number anywhere on my log...I do apologise if you did and I didn't pick up mate! :rolleyes: ]:D
Hey Reefer, you're a legend mate. I love your work, it comes from your soul.
Anytime you'd like to grab a coffee? I also live in the Illawarra area.
Cheers mate.
Chiron (Dave).
Chiron52...great to hear from you Dave! :Y: Thank you !..p.m.sent.