2017 detector finds

Prospecting Australia

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I like it a lot Gp, you can certainly see the life coming out of the ground. 8) :p :Y: :cool: :cool: :cool: :rainbow:
What a beautiful day for a detect, clear skies, moderate temps, and a list of sites to check out. First location I had detected before, still manged yet another dog tag from 1908-09, and a few other bits and pieces. The second site only produce a few small targets, including some small buckles, a gold gilded copper acorn, as well as a very nice small gold gilded padlock.

Shotgun shells were the bain of the day, with many being deep low conductor targets that are always worth investigating - must be nearly 50 collected today. :|

The third site was a bit of a fluke find, as I just managed to notice a patch of Easter Lillies (bulbs) growing down the edge of a lane off the main road. On closer inspection I could see glass in the sand, and it wasn't long before a few nice brass buckles, and spoon pieces came to light after a quick search. The only coin of the day came from that site, unfortunately only 1955 Roo penny, though have only scratched the surface at this stage. :)




Easter Lillies - a good sign that you may be on to an old house site!







great hunt GP, some cool stuff in that lot.... love the little padlock and the big buckle.

is the acorn made from brass or iron ?.
None of the spoons I ever seem to find are silver, mainly plated gear. Probably since many of these old houses/cottages were owned by not very well to do people - also explains the lack of silver coins as well. I could imagine losing any silver coins back in the day would have been quite a significant loss for them. :)
Uncanny that silver spoons is mentioned
Yesterday i spent a couple of hours sorting out some of my scrap
(Well there isnt much else to do .. its so bloody wet ! Like Heatho said , the ground is like soup :N: )
Anyway , one of the spoons appears to be silver :D
Foolishly i tried to clean up the detail to better see the markings , but using the wire wheel on the bench grinder was not my finest moment. :rolleyes:




Its definitely not brass like all the others i checked
Any suggestions ?
I suppose you would have to do a SG test to reveal all Sandta. 8) :p :cool:
Today I took a different tack, and decided to give the Racer 2 and small 5" a run at a previously detected old church ruins. The main area targetted was what appears to be the residence for the church going by what has been found there in the past - the site is dated to the early 1900's.

Unfortunately no field picks were taken due to forgetting the camera, though I think the finds speak for themselves on how well this detector does at pulling out good targets from all the ruins junk. I took my time checking out any repeatable targets, or any possible non-ferrous targets that were coinciding with close by iron (isolated using pinpoint mode). I ran the iron audio level low in the background to discount any targets that gave off a grunt when pulling the coil back off the target. Some of these would pinpoint as large targets at depth, which usually indicated high tone falsing off larger iron objects, hence no need to dig.

As for the finds, a gold gilded copper pendant, 1933-34 & 1921-22 SA dog tags, small part off a cricket buckle (pair of crossed over bats), 1921 hp, 1950 penny, and the biggest surprise was another part silver gilded sovereign/half sovereign case. Still no luck with the silver spoons - all plated gear.

So lesson learnt on the importance of running a very small coil over such sites, quite frankly I was surprised at how much had been missed due to masking. Will be interesting to compare the Deus 9" HF coil when it arrives. ;)

Racer 2 - 4.7"x5.2" OOR coil did the trick!


Fresh dirty finds

All cleaned up

