2013 finds klinga

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Oct 14, 2013
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Hi guys I found a 1862 penny today it seems to be just dirty and not corroded. Was excited to find my first pre decimal! Kept looking for the kangaroo but it's a bit older than that !!! What's the best way to clean it I'm a bit scared to rub it too hard have been using toothbrush and soap. Is it copper? Btw my 7yo who was losing interest is as keen as mustard now!
yes its copper, i clean copper with cloudy ammonia. use the ammonia slowly, wash it down first with warm dish liquid water, then stand it up in a old can (something with rills on bottom) and immerse in cloudy ammonia. As its old i would only do it for a few minutes, but with my 20th century copper coins i soak them for 6 to 8 hours without a issue.
Thanks! Was so excited I will try the cloudy ammonia... I've traced it on paper for my sons show and tell tomorrow. Geez if I didn't have the bug before today I have it 10 fold now!!
Congratulations Klinga! Nice find.My earliest coin was a 1945 penny.I've used vinegar with some success,haven't tried cloudy ammonia but will give it a go.It's great finding spendable coins-you can use them to recoup the cost of/upgrade your detector or buy other detecting accessories, but it really becomes interesting when you start pulling up other stuff(pre-decimals,jewellery,relics) and then researching them.The research and history of these items becomes another enjoyable aspect of this amazing hobby.The priceless part is the time you'll spend with your 7yo.Take him/her with you whenever he/she is keen - out in the fresh air,exercise and more importantly you'll have a whole new world of experinces,stories and memories to share.They grow up fast and may not want to continue when they're older, but you''ll both always have those memories/stories.Have fun with this awesome hobby.
gave it a bit of clean with ammonia only a minute or two can't bring myself to do it any longer! It did take a lot of dirt off it. I know it's not worth much but to me and the boy it's priceless haha what a great hobby we have
come to think of it my first pre decimal was a 1893 UK one penny also! IT was pure chunky green couldnt see a thing on it, I used solvo and scrubbed it, actually came up pretty good!
Hi all and great find klinga! I don't want to get into a "mines older than your's" argument but this is my oldest and from memory all I did was wash it in warm water. Good as gold :)
Love the history behind them as well.


Yes the first penny is grand. It actually took me longer to find a 2c piece. It was like I was under a hex or something. Found about 20x1c pieces and 10 pennies before a decimal 2c piece :eek:
That's a great find Billy, When we first saw it we thought it was an aussie penny and we were very excited with that! The boy's show and tell went well except he told the class where we found it.... so I might have some kids to take out (only joking DHS) ha ha. Apparently our next adventure will become a you tube video so watch this space!

As for the two cent pieces Muttering, they have taken the lead for us in coins, they ring out so clearly I'm starting to predict them.
Well done Klinga l am also new to the hobby and l have just found my first pre decimal coin which was a 1944 sixpence and a 1934 penny about 4days ago. It was the 5 th time out detecting with only a small amount of 10s and 20 and a few dollars. I had been out with a mate of mine, who had 20+ years detecting and he was pulling 5 pre decimals at a time to my zilch. He told me it will come your probably not walking over them. I took his advice and l keeped going, the 6th time l went out l bagged 4 pre decimals 1942sixpence two 1913 halfpennys and a 1919 sixpence, all under the bases of old trees, so there's plenty out there for every one. Once again well done it's a great thrill to find your first one,with many more to come.
After breaking the pre-decimal maiden status last week, the gods have shone brightly for me. The peace medal after researching was given to school children at the end of the first world war interesting stuff.

The penny's unfortunately are pretty badly worn I wish there was a way to clean them up properly, which raises a question from me, the rule if you have a rare coin is to not clean it, but the coins we find are covered in dirt so we have no choice right? Personally, I'll just clean and add them to my collection, but if you did find something rare what would you do?

Here are the finds:


The item on the bottom left is brass/copper colour and in a T shape have no idea what it is.
Thought I'd give some feedback on my cleaning of coppers. I did a bit of googling and found on a method that worked quite well.

It is a common way to clean silvers. You get a glass bowl, put a piece of aluminium foil (id 43 haha) just enough to sit the coins on, then fill with boiling water. Then cover the coins with lectric soda powder.

It has a bit of a chemical reaction, leave for 15 minutes (I did 10 with the 1920 penny) and then take out. The method then goes on to use brasso, and rinse but I don't think the brasso is really needed. I'll post up what the 1920 penny looks like. It came up pretty good.

if you google lectric soda foil you will get the full recipe :)
Good cross section of early coins in Australia Klinga. Always a nice surprise to see early British silver. Keep up the good work.