You know you have gold fever when

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Oct 2, 2018
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I reckon most of us here have the fever, but if you're not sure take a look at some of my symptoms and add some of your own!

You know you have gold fever When,

You plan your family holidays around gold area's

You put your nuggets in a jar on the cutlery shelf, so every time you open the cupboard you can just stand there and smile :)

You search the calendar looking for full moons that coinside with weekends ;)

You're on a drive and see a new road cutting through the hillside and start studying the layers like geologists while reaching for the gps

You leave a patch of lawn just so you can get out the wipper snipper and finish it off cause you haven't been for swing in a while!

You spend hours on the computer researching new spots and your missus starts getting worried about what you're up to :8

You're out having a night swing when a big arse roo jumps up and scares the crap out of ya :eek:

You see a nice gully and wish you could go back in time 100 years with a shovel and go ape shit

You read the kids bed time stories and change the words all about gold

While cooking peas you grab the plastic scoop and start waiving them over the pot like a coil

You're forever trying to work out new ways to find gold.. like put coils on your shoes. (hey actually that's not a bad idea!) :cool:

You realise if you had saved all the nails and led shot and cashed them in you could of earnt some cash by now :|

Paranoia sets in when you find a new patch and you start thinking of ways to boobie trap the joint :argh:

Gold fever forever
Geez Skip, youve got some sort of fever going there mate....Id be taking something for it before it gets outa hand :awful:
Me personally, I just carry my plastic nugget jar in my pocket, so I can hear that lovely chinkle sound when I walk :goldnugget: ....just a mild fever :)
You've got wads and wads of gold maps you've made with spots that you hope to get to one day, with coordinate flags all over your GPS. Many many hours invested in research.

Leading up to a detecting outing it's hard to think of anything else.

The night before an outing you can't sleep because of excitement, then are buggered the next day when you're detecting. You feel just like you did as a kid Christmas Eve and thinking of presents the next day.

You battle the heat, the cold, the flies, mosquitos, fear of snakes and fear of falling down a shaft or getting lost.

You travel 6 hours in a day to do 6 hours detecting in day trips.

A lot of people think you're nuts, but humour you with your stories and videos if finding or not finding gold.

You spend far too much money on your kit.

You push yourself to exhaustion on any given detecting day, risking stroke at your not so young age.

But you do love sitting around the fire or at the pub swapping all sorts of life experiences with gold detecting like minded people, of any persuasion or age.

You really do think of what would you do if you found a huge nugget that was a battle to get out of the ground and in to the car. Could you leave the spot and come back with help? Who would you trust to come and help? Would you have a stroke and die shortly after finding it?

Sending your wife coordinates of where you are at each stop should you disappear.

Seriously think about what would you do if you got lost, bitten by a snake, fall down a shaft, twist an ankle, etc, etc. Even with all the safety gear, how would you go? You question whether you really are the surviver you think you are.

Not to mention thinking about the car breaking down or getting stuck out in the middle of nowhere especially when you're not overly mechanically minded.

The risks we take and the adrenalin it creates. All part of the thrill and challenge.

I'll leave some more for others. :Y: :p
Dignit said:
Oh, I'm sitting at home with a bad chest infection and not on the goldfields on such a beautiful day.
Hence time to ponder and write. :N:

Yeah I'm renovating the house so won't be out till Christmas time.. with everyone else lol
The missus has given up asking me what i thinking of first thing in the morning OF COURSE GOLD ........But i got her the other day because i said........ COINS ........ because i brought a 3030 other day