Woolgar Goldfield NQ

Prospecting Australia

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Colmaca said:
Anyone know this area ? is it ok to go out there and camp some I'm thinking going there for a look and see

Yeah Mate
Great area if you have access!!!!!
Oh access in this area is harder to come by than "Rocking Horse POO" but best of luck, A guy I know rang a property & was told they are over run with enquiries.
Colmaca said:
I cannot even get a email address for the land holders . I may go in and wing it :)

Where are you from??
I would not suggest you do that, could cause more problems with access in the future, I will see what I can come up with for contact details, do you have a particular property you want to try? Pm me if you like, Just trying to help do things the right way, not after spots have more than enough country to work out that far.
cheers & good luck
woolgar valley aboriginal corporation Are running the land, since the government payed for it they don't like to tell any contacts. I may drive past and if it looks ok to camp I will IF not I will go past > I'm easy they plenty other spots :)
I detected there once.Try Mittens gully near Balaclava Dam, just south of Anorak :playful:

I know your pain. I used to print my own flyers for a training business I had years ago. I mailed out 2000 of them spruiking Office Admin Traineeships, to Accountants and Legal Firms. Only to realize after I'd mailed them all out that instead of "Dear Sir/ Madam", they all started with "Dear Sir/ Madman" :8
palmerston said:
Is there anywhere u can go there to detect or is it all private land

Nowhere that I'm aware of, there is a pay to detect at Gilberton I believe.

Recommend you do your research, determine where you'd like to try and then get in contact with the landholder. Pretty sure its all private land but most land holders are quite approachable.

Good luck

when you find your fortune, let me know the GPS marks :D :D :D :D