Very bad plugs - Dig your plugs properly

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Apr 1, 2013
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Went to a local park today and someone has fuc#ed the grass up with there poorly dug holes ,which are all dead now and there are a lot of them looks like they dug every target junk and all .
:mad: I would love to catch this person to let them know what I think some people don't deserve a metal detector will post some pics soon
Totally agree Ozjono and it's not just the parks, plenty of evidence of unfilled holes in the scrub as well.
If it continues it just gives more power to those trying to restrict our activities.
Cheers Tom
It's a bit of a bug bear of mine too 'ozjono'. I found a couple of parks down our way that looked like a patch work quilt after some detectorists had gone over it! This type of behavior is only going to hurt us all in the long run. If everyone treats the parks like their own front lawn and keep's it tidy then we'll have no problem. If your front lawn looks like an excavation site--find a new hobby!
If you come across a park that has been left in a crappy state, put the name of the park up here so everyone can see, chances are the ones leaving the mess will read it :/
Maybe someone could do a video and post it on the correct way to dig a plug..that way we might be able to get everyone on the same page and help protect the parks and our hobby.?
When you replace the soil. Make sure you put the moist soil next to the roots. Try not to break up the root/soil ball.
If the grass is dying it is from lack of moisture and poor soil placement.
Regards, Ned
I think a different technique is required depending on the soil type and vegetation. It would be great to see a video tackling wet/moist/dry/rock hard ground and what the best technique for each scenario... (Please)
I had the same thing at Johnsons park in Geelong a few weeks ago !!Dead plugs everywhere !! ( 66 inch holes) I was so peed off !! Then I spotted him on the other side and approached him !! Bloody arrogant pr@#k!! Tried to talk about what he was doing to most beautiful park in town ,( opposite the council!!!) he was just nah mind your own business!!! Wanted to wrap my At Pro around his neck!! Ass#@##!!!
I think a instructional video on how to dig out a target would be a fantastic idea. Maybe A job for Sabogan? I would like to have a go in my local park but i don't want to cause damage.
I've seen it too, there is some one up her in QLD who just leaves their holes open, and if it was junk they just leave it lying there beside the open hole on the dirt . First time I came across it I couldn't believe what I was seeing . After that it just leaves you with a sick gut feeling. I have to carry their rubbish away for them , and fill in their holes. I would like to get this grub on film and post it here as a what not to doo !
I will have to buy or make a nice shovel so I can remove a nice round plug . Looking at my yard reminds me of a military bomb range . You really do need the right gear as well . :D Garry
I was walking through a sporting field today which I have detected a few times in the past. To my surprise there were big round patches of brown grass where someone has tried to dig plugs, Looks bad and probably won't go in my favor as I have never been challenged by any one in the past on these fields. People came up say hello and say we cant even see where you have been.By the way I never go on the playing fields I only do the edges and parking areas and only do shallow targets. These patches were right near where I have dug in the past but left because they were to deep or maybe junk. I wish I new how to take photos and put them on here as a show and tell. I will be looking for the culprits as I visit this area often with the grand kids. I also thought no one else detected this area, may be someone was watching or even someone saying hello.

Cheers, DD
I trust you managed to take some pics...

I am in Brisbane - north side and happy to show you the best ways to up load a pic or two.

Just remember - When you start bagging PLUG's and in particular on FB - The HATER's come out of their holes...
my normal go to park that is only a 2 minute walk from my house has had someone apart from me in it detecting it, when i get a target you cant tell i was there but who ever else is doing it makes it look like a rabbit has been scratching around and there are hundreds of these holes, have never seen anyone else there tho wish i could catch them even just to show them how to do it right and teach them a little etiquette about detecting... or just drive them off my patch!!! :mad: lol joking about that





Thanks Anger Management for the offer. I had my daughter sort it for me this morning, very good of her as she has been so patient with me and computers.

Cheers, DD
rocketaroo said:
at least they have tried to do the right thing. Those patches are starting to recover. Newbs need pinpointers, they were prob just 1inch deep goldies.

Yep but they still watch all the videos and think PLUGS...

In most cases the coin / ring pull is only an inch or two...

But you can not tell them as FB just talks plugs.

AND most have pin pointers but do not know how to use/recover.

And even when the patches do recover - there is a long time with park pimples and if the mower goes over them - it will often such them up.

And these plugs look like they have been done with a spade etc and only shallow..