treasureman`s ongoing finds

Prospecting Australia

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Nice silver Treasureman - they look much like the beach silver condition wise but as I say - it is all money to the scrap man - good score!
Yes they sure are. Paulmarr.
I went out again this afternoon. Not much luck until i came across a shilling under a stump, someone had hid under there. And near by in the same hole again these pennys half pennys and a florin. At first i thought the florin was a sovereign due to its yellowing but had to settle. So someones hidden stash from a while ago. Silvers in electrolysis. I also found some ww2 byttons in the same hole that kept comibg out one after the other. Bit dsrk to take a pic now though
Great finds treasureman, my florin from the other night was exactly like you described with that gold tarnish, should clean up well. You seem to be doing just fine on the AT Pro without needing to upgrade coils. :)
MsAte !! The coins that came out the same hole are in near new condition. Would have been an armys wage back in the day and hes buried it or theyve come out his back pocket. And the florin after elec and bicarb has a veautiful pinky bronze colour. And i was just talking about that yestrrday. Glad shes in a1 condition
i put the silver florin (found on a seperate trip) next to the one i found today that was in the same hole with the penny's. Its retained a lovely pink hue from years of sitting side by side with the copper penny's. Pretty cool i think. And it is in flawless condition. It wasnt easy finding these. Could have easily missed them. They were tucked off the area i was working tight spot. only a couple of metres to work in this spot. I got that lovely 84-85 reading hunching it was a coin. And there was and was thrilled to hear more beeps as i waved over the same spot. I may go back there as it was only in the last hour i found these coins



The Florin turned out fantastic, some good detail on it, and the coppers are also in great condition with no apparent coin cancer.
That 52 is a ripper! After the florin happy dance I would have backed it up with a good florin happy dance. Gee the florin count is rising across the threads might have to put in some coil time, you guys are nailing it.
You can tell it's a nice one by his haircut and ear,...usually the rim has that brand new coin feel as you feel around the outside of it, much different to an old worn-out or even used coins.
Hoping the florins flow through more now GT.
This morning i woke to find the 52 florin has darkened over night to a dark purpl brown colour.
Yes TM - you will find that the 50% silver coins display a copper tinge when found or after electrolysis but it soon disappears with time (days).

We have also noticed when you find silver on the beach you can immediately tell if it is a 50 or 90% silver coin - the 50% coins often are green in colour and have lots of growth attached to them where 90% have no green - are almost black in colour - and don't usually have sea growth attached to them. ;)
Paulmarr, this florin has gone quite dark/Black and on the back can notice a greeny tinge to it so not sure if its 50% or 90% it is quite heavy. And the condition its in im leaning towards 90% :p. Gotta be more lovely coins out there in larger number. Im dreaming.
These are the buttons i found from the same hole, and there was more in the hole it was just to hard to remove everything. I need a pinpointer. Looks like someones left there army jacket there over time and its rotted away to button. but there still could have been coins in the jacket in the hole, ill go back there when i have a pinpointer.

Also another lovely old bottle in lovely condition. Says around the bottom. 'This is the property of T Tristram C Brisbane.
I googled it and i think they use to make ginger beer. BUt i havent seen another bottle like this one. Hoping its one of a kind.


The 1952 florins are 50% silver, 40% copper, 5% nickel, and 5% zinc, much like my florin from last night. Mine also gained a copper tone after electrolysis, so will see what it looks like in a few days.

If you want to reference any future coin finds, has details on all Australian coins. :)
k you for the link GP.
This morning i went back to a whole i got my first penny from. It kept giving off all types of ids i remembered and rusted washea were comibg out also. Thought there may be more coins there. There was. Two more pennys. And probably more coins but there was a mixed of lead items, copper, iron and a few more littles bottles. So i gave up after 30 mins trying to find the coins. I may go back as im sure there were more than just 3 pennies in total there. And the tiny bottles are puzzling me. Also found what looks like an 1800`s wheel?
What should i do about the hole keep excavatibg or give up due to the junk mixed in?

Interesting site you've got there, seems to be producing a bit of everything, but more importantly some good coins. How old are the two pennies?
Going to investigate it further and see if there are any more coins. Pennys are
1949 and 1956
They are in pretty good shape, certainly cleaned up well. A far cry from some of my toasted coppers in recent times. :)
You're getting some interesting finds lately TM. I like the bottles. they could be medicine bottles, or chemical bottles used for gold analysis, tho these are usually a brown glass. more to come from there. HH
I think they could be medicine bottles? Id be curious if they were used for gold analysis. Still havent gone back to the mystery hole. That will wait until i get some chicken wire fencing and use as a filter as it had too many items in there to single out the goodies.
Today just a random swing. And turned up with a ring, silver. And what looks like another ring due to the patterning outside the rim. And first i thought i washer but the patterning runs all the way around. Im hoping its a ring from the mid 1800`s. I could be wrong. And a navy button. May hit a park tonight.
