Todays hunt results.

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I'll try and find the same stuff as in GemQ's vid to see if that's any different next time ! :D
silver said:
I'll try and find the same stuff as in GemQ's vid to see if that's any different next time ! :D

Nice job on the silver cleaning Silversmith ..!

Ive have the same ones as GQ , you should find them at an Asian $2 shop

Or if you have a major shopping centre that has a Daiso ( Japanese discount store ) $3 for 30

Should be no trouble then Trash thanks mate.... cept'n their all closed now atm lol, I'll have to get em to give em a chance at least hey ! :Y: as soon as I get em yeah !
:Y: ;) :Y:
you should try em too mate !
The more the merrier in relation to new knowledge ! :p 8) :Y:
Goldpick said:
Another good showing for the silvers, sweet older shilling. :Y:
Was in this years shelf Gp :Y: ...
Thought I'd use some from this year to experiment on so they're all fresh in memory. Thought the shilling might come up great according to the video info, but mayhap my choice in utensil was a bit fickle... but the only choice type available under my circumstances..... so I just went with the flow :lol:
Rockhunter62 said:
Hey Silver, what general area are you living at?


SEQ Doug..... somewhere thereabouts..... give or take 500 Miles or so as a round about sort of guesstimate averaged out over popular consensus. :lol:
edit in :- I'm not in Port Kembla ! :Y:
Found a little something of interest the other day

n that's all in here

here's some perspective

needless to say I recon I've won the day lol :D
day shots of the 1912 6d show about the same as previous I recon.


can you see the "19" behind the roo

still on that 1912 6d :eek:
Todays was pretty well up there for first cab off the rank :p .... I think.I bought pain to old mate.... as it was his spot we were lookin over :eek:
But I do keep mentioning to rub it in if you beat me on the day.... because it hurts me so when I get pushed asunder regards the silver finds :eek: .... :lol: ... and pushed asunder I been at times lately lol..... arrrgh... the pain of it all ]:D
makes me all the more determined to master the Ace in ways as yet unthought of :Y: