Prospecting Australia

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Protein balls with dark choccy on top mmmm
Was home alone last night, so made a quick seafood pizza.

Thin low carb (about 45g) base, with a little cheese, some fresh tomato, some onion, king prawns (at the bottom, so you can't really see them), calamari and scallops. Seasoned with hot chilli flakes and some garlic mayo squeezed on at the end.

The little frozen scallops from Aldi are a good buy, and are great on a seafood pizza.

DrDuck said:
Was home alone last night, so made a quick seafood pizza.

Thin low carb (about 45g) base, with a little cheese, some fresh tomato, some onion, king prawns (at the bottom, so you can't really see them), calamari and scallops. Seasoned with hot chilli flakes and some garlic mayo squeezed on at the end.

The little frozen scallops from Aldi are a good buy, and are great on a seafood pizza.

i remember few years ago a bloke i knew that used to work on a trawler telling me that stingrays were a good money catch because they would use a ring cutter or hole cutter and cut rounds out of the rays flaps and the rounds would be sold as frozen sea scallops. is it true ?? i dont know but thats what i was told .
Sting ray flaps are like scallop... same texture is why they turned em into scallops in the old days. (just don't cop a barb to the chest in the process)
8) :| :rainbow:
I worked in seafood for a good while, I heard stories of punching scallop out of stingray flaps but never saw it done.
Take a good sized Ray not a small one, cut off the flaps, skin them, that is the hard and messy part then fillet them from the middle line of cartilage cut into fish fingers crumb or batter and fry! Delicious.
Great recovery weight.
Matt T
Hey HardLuck, mate with respect, I think you. Need to change ya name as I would not call your pork HardLuck.
It looks delicious and I am drooling over my chicken dinner.
Mate , stop please, I just added 3 kts, with pleasure!
Well done!