To many pinned topics

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Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Just me or does having so many pinned topics on every thread drive others crazy to scroll all the way past them each time?
I agree. Not so much that I would have started a thread about it, but I do agree nonetheless. Perhaps a subforum for less important stickies is in order?
Thats probably the way to go about it. Tis funny, Ive always seen those buttons up there but never clicked on them. I feel silly now...its a decent way to navigate the forum.
Spot on. :)
I have been thinking about this for a while. There are too many of them in General Chat.
Didn't know the way to go about my little sook other then start a thread glad to see I'm not the only one that noticed lol
dunollyman said:
Didn't know the way to go about my little sook other then start a thread glad to see I'm not the only one that noticed lol

The original owner of the forum asked that all topics considered for being a sticky go through him for this reason. We mere moderators don't have his guidance anymore but we do the best we can. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. The forum is now huge and it's a lot of work keeping it running smoothly.
Once again I will mention the REPORT button. This does not have to be a negative thing but any issue on the forum. When we Mods log in we get a message "There are new reports". Every Moderator sees this so the chances are you will get a faster response that way.
They are generally in the correct topic and have been made a sticky by one of the mods. Some should only be there a short time and be removed. I have removed s few this evening and will keep thinning them out.
Here's an image of some sticky topics for you casper
As AR has posted. Topics with the thumb tack icon are Stuck at the top of that section. All other topics move down the list as new posts are made in other topics.but stickies or pinned posts stay at the top always. They should be topics that people want access to often or contain important info.