To dig or not to dig

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Jun 25, 2018
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Hi,lucky enough to have been given access to a paddock which has had the old diggings bulldozed. How do other members cope with all the nails,bullets and wire that I,m finding .Yesterday I would have dug 20 targets in the space of an hour and a half! I have a mine lab 4500 which with some help from other prospecting friends is fantastic to use with the settings they gave me . Do I discriminate,walk away or dig everything ?
As said before dig everything that's the short answer.

Now you say you've got access to private property where the diggings have been pushed :eek:. So were they pushed for agricultural purposes or was there a lease :/. If it was a lease what year so you can try to work out what method might have been used. If your lucky enough that it was pushed for agricultural purposes then dig everything and slow it down when you find a nugget. The use of the paddock since it was pushed along with topography might help you find the gold and put a plan together. If it was pushed as a lease you'll still need to dig everything only you will know when to call it quits.
Particularly if they're old ones, those bullets you're finding are a good indication that the area hasn't been thoroughly searched with detectors or dry-blowing/sluicing equipment.

During your initial searching, I'd suggest using a smallish (say 10"-11") coil and a hand-held pinpointer, to speed up locating targets, then a rare-earth magnet mounted on the end of your pick handle will quickly sort out the pesky nails and wire. If you do succeed in finding some nuggets, a second very thorough search from a different direction and with a larger coil would also be wise.
I'm in a similar position. been working an area that has been private land for yonks and the diggings were bulldozed then ploughed over before I was born.
as a result I have found using a double D coil with the iron reject on about 5. saves a lot of work digging up ancient rusted nails and the like and the gold is being found with this coil
Thanks guys, grubstake one of the bullets
was about the size of a very large pea with a ridge going all round the ball so I,m thinking made in a mould a musket ball perhaps ? (Not that I know anything about bullets)The land was flattened for agricultural use the old diggings emerge thru the forest and then run down a gentle slope for approx 5 hundred Mtrs,this is the bulldozed area.Bonza I like your thinking and I,m going to give that method a crack. I,m assured by my mates who know a hell of a lot more about this caper that there is gold in the paddock. Bonza why do you use the double D coil and not a mono ?
Crushed said:
Thanks guys, grubstake one of the bullets was about the size of a very large pea with a ridge going all round the ball so I,m thinking made in a mould a musket ball perhaps ? (Not that I know anything about bullets)The land was flattened for agricultural use the old diggings emerge thru the forest and then run down a gentle slope for approx 5 hundred Mtrs,this is the bulldozed area.Bonza I like your thinking and I,m going to give that method a crack. I,m assured by my mates who know a hell of a lot more about this caper that there is gold in the paddock. Bonza why do you use the double D coil and not a mono ?

Given the irregularity of the ridge, I think that would more likely be a large shotgun pellet (buckshot) than a musket ball.
Walk away like many have in trashy areas.... and leave the nuggets behind for those that dont!
Gee you swinger guys dont like digging much. Haha.
Keep digging them up mate! Patience will bring you gold
If there is a lot of junk then and the soil is not too hot then I would give a VLF a try, I good VLF has it's place, I would talk to a couple of the sponser's here and see what they suggest,

You won't get the depth from a VLF but it will help you Hi Light what is junk and what is not and help locating the junk areas.

hope that helps.
Welcome to the forum Crushed.
What you are asking is a very personal matter that will be dictated by your behavioural ability to persevere with digging the junk. Some people have great perseverance others not.
Of course the chance of finding gold will increase perseverance, and if you start finding gold I'd expect the enthusiasm to persevere will no doubt drastically increase.
As mentioned by others a DD using descrimination will help. However, If you try it you will discover that a DD in descrimination will sound off on steel and won't blank out until you get close to the steel target. So you will still be digging junk targets. It's not as beneficial as it sounds.
The tip of having a magnet on the end of the pick is a very useful time saving method for picking up steel junk. Of course lead and brass won't be attracted to it so you'll still need to dig up bullet casings and lead shot.
Sounds exciting.
Hope you find some gold.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone for the advise and tips . I!m heading back on Saturday with the intention of digging every target . One last question . Why aren't I seeing traces of other detectors having been here ? I counted about 25 holes and I think at least 20 of them were mine !
I will let you know how I went and will learn how to post a photo if the gold gods finally smile on me ! Cheers crushed
No other sign of digs could be because it's private property and hasn't been jumped.