This may replace fireworks-less polluting

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While it looks impressive I don't think it will.!! Drones will not have the same feeling as being at a crackers display!
All these years I thought i was seeing UFO's in the sky.
Another childhood fantasy blown.

Seriously though, what an impressive display.
And, how much work must have gone into programming all those drones?
But I will still love the sight and sound of fireworks.

Note: But let's have these as well! :Y:
They are cool and I would watch them but you just cant beat the sound fireworks make as they shoot out of their tube and explode in the sky
Gilly47 said:
The glorious smell of burnt hair and skin

When LiPo batteries explode they give out a fair amount of heat. Pity the poor bugger picking up a drone with a dud battery in it. 3rd degree if not worse burns :/