the worlds ugliest little highbanker - field test

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kinda obvious wouldn't ya say?
May 8, 2013
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Went to Young for a couple of days to test out me ugly lil diy banker and my god what a horrid trip,old Murphy REALLY did a number on me lol.
First thing to go wrong was a visit from the ranger who kindly informed me that camping was forbidden on the reserve, but as the sun was on the horizon and my gear was still all set up if let me slide for one night but had to move on the next day,next issue arose at around midnight when i went to refill my canteen from my 30 litre water drum which has some how been contaminated between trips and lrendered the water day i slept in thus losing 3 hours of daylight and therefore cutting my prospecting time in half for that location. Around lunch time i had figured out a new location to camp that was known to be a good gold area so i packed up me gear and headed to this is where things REALLY started going south...
I pulled up on the outskirts of wombat to get my bearings and noticed smoke billowing from the trailer... One of the grease caps had fallen out of the wheel hub, spitting the grease out and setting the hub on fire!
Then to really top it all off, whilst i was fixing the hub my M.O.D.S Started flaring up rendering my almost incapable of moving, BUT as i had my 4 year old daughter with me giving up was just not an option and had to make the 200k trip home. Ended up pulling up at my dads in ardlethan to take a break and by then my liver and kidneys had all bar shut down- my skin was frickin orange :|
anyway i EVENTUALLY made it home, and just finished my clean up.
And frankly all things considered i think it was still a successful field test, what do you guys think
Mate. That is a trip to remember!! You could write a song about it...
Nice bit of gold in the pan is good to see. Hope your internals are on the mend..

Cheers Tone
Yeah they're gettin better, be a couple of days before i get back to 100% but I'll live lol.
Hmmm a song eh? Not a bad idea :lol:
Hey Dr duck, yeah its not a great but my choices are either risk it or lay down and wait for this to eventually kill me and with 3 kids that's just not an option can't let them think when things get hard the best thing to do is give up
Never give in for Gold is everywhere they say!
Well maybe not in your water tank if it tasted off,
Look after your health and may the only yellow nuggets
you see are in the gold pan.
Trip to remember hey. Good to see your little highbanker get some results.
From here on all remarks about its appearance are invalid ;)
Lol Im calling it the smooth talkin mutant from now on, it may be ugly but it gets the job done...
Bit like me hahaha
Good to see you got some gold, banker tested and proven check! Unlucky as an albino Irishman :) hope your health comes good mate good to see you don't let it define you