Texas Cold

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Sep 4, 2014
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You know it's cold outside when this is growing in your house,


Here's the Video,

Sandta said:
Yep ... THATS COLD !

When I first came here we stayed at the BiL place and he put us in a room at the top of the house and there was Ice on the inside of the windows where there was no heating, thank god I took a sleeping bag with me,

Damn it was cold, I went out detecting wearing a Black Coat and when I came in it was White covered in Frost, :eek:

The only time my hands were warm was when I was digging the soil out with my hands, Never again, :mad: :mad:
It's been freezing here and I have not used the heating here due to the amount of cold weather gear I bought, It's been about -8*c here and as low as 5*c in the house,

Scotland last week it was -23*c in places, That's Chilly. :eek: :( :awful: :awful:
LOL, yeah that's a deal breaker,

In Texas their wind turbines have frozen and shut down, their nuclear power plants have shut down and their Gas powered plants have shut down because the pipes are frozen and their Coal powered Plants have shut down due to Coal deliveries being slow due to the weather, The Petrol/Diesel stations are mostly closed because they don't have any electricity to power the fuel pumps And it appears that in Texas not many people own Generators, And it would not do them any good coz the fuel/petrol-diesel stations are shut, :( :/ :mad: :mad:
There is a lot more to the Texas story including a power station that accidentally powered down instead of ramping up - that certainly didn't help. I was there in the big freeze around 2004 (hope I got my dates right?) when the country was frozen north to south. Had -21c in Chicago, woke up to our car covered in 1 meter of snow in Cleveland. Taos had 1 foot thick ice on all the town roads, it was a mess.

Texas was a white out with people stranded of freeways in ice storms. At that time it was just after the California quakes that brought down the freeways and followed by a devastating mud slide on the coast. It seems these events are getting more regular and more severe, you think there would now be contingencies for these situations by now being they have a strong survivalist mentality in most areas.
A-team said:
There is a lot more to the Texas story including a power station that accidentally powered down instead of ramping up - that certainly didn't help. I was there in the big freeze around 2004 (hope I got my dates right?) when the country was frozen north to south. Had -21c in Chicago, woke up to our car covered in 1 meter of snow in Cleveland. Taos had 1 foot thick ice on all the town roads, it was a mess.

Texas was a white out with people stranded of freeways in ice storms. At that time it was just after the California quakes that brought down the freeways and followed by a devastating mud slide on the coast. It seems these events are getting more regular and more severe, you think there would now be contingencies for these situations by now being they have a strong survivalist mentality in most areas.

I think people forget that the more we populate places the more weather and natural disasters impact more people. also we have internet now and know instantly what's going on in most areas around this little world of ours.
A-team said:
There is a lot more to the Texas story including a power station that accidentally powered down instead of ramping up - that certainly didn't help. I was there in the big freeze around 2004 (hope I got my dates right?) when the country was frozen north to south. Had -21c in Chicago, woke up to our car covered in 1 meter of snow in Cleveland. Taos had 1 foot thick ice on all the town roads, it was a mess.

Texas was a white out with people stranded of freeways in ice storms. At that time it was just after the California quakes that brought down the freeways and followed by a devastating mud slide on the coast. It seems these events are getting more regular and more severe, you think there would now be contingencies for these situations by now being they have a strong survivalist mentality in most areas.

Even over here I have enough to survive 60 Below and then some, I got frostbite once and I Vowed never again, I managed to get my hands sorted before any damaged was done but it hurt like crazy and I had a sheet of Ice build up on my coat almost freezing my chest, Since then I have always bought gear that was excessive,

The Cold weather can be fun if you dress for it, I made the mistake of wearing my normal motorbike gear and although I was warm in it once you add on a 40/50mph wind chill that's when it gets painful and you can start to loose body parts. :eek: :eek: :eek:
My son and his wife and 4 grandkids are atm hunkering down in Austin Tx.... they moved there from Southern California last year to buy a house. If they knew it could get this cold where they (are in the foothills outside the city,) I think they may have had second thoughts about leaving sunny California .
Having grown up in Adelaide, hes certainly not used to what hes going through there at present.
We have been keeping in touch by video calls to show some sympathy.
Heres their cars...
JD3 said:
Goldfreak said:
First warm days for a very long time in Adelaide. 37. Texas is a different story. The wind turbines are frozen solid. https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/10082/1613554843_eupgdx3xmaetxxo.jpg
Great image but proven fake for a number of years. The props actually have heat whatever in them that melts frost n snow.
Good friend of mine lives in Texas. Getting big blackouts but choppers doing that is total fake.
Just like the wings of plans and jets ice up :eek:
JD3 said:
Goldfreak said:
First warm days for a very long time in Adelaide. 37. Texas is a different story. The wind turbines are frozen solid. https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/10082/1613554843_eupgdx3xmaetxxo.jpg
Great image but proven fake for a number of years. The props actually have heat whatever in them that melts frost n snow.
Good friend of mine lives in Texas. Getting big blackouts but choppers doing that is total fake.
Not fake, just didn't happen in Texas.
Photo is from 2015 taken in Sweden of a helicopter de-icing wind turbines at a Swedish wind farm.
Texas grid operators say winter weather has shut down nearly half the state's wind power generation because West Texas wind turbines are frozen. The state's wind farms generate a combined 25-thousand megawatts of energy, but as of Sunday, the winter storm had shut down about 12-thousand megawatts. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas says the unfrozen turbines on the Texas coast are only partially offsetting some of the lost generation. The council is asking Texans to turn off lights and turn down their heaters to conserve energy.

We have friends in West Texas, hope they come through this ok..

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