South Australian prospectors (or should I say fossickers?)

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Hahaha not me I borrowed a mates gpx 4500,I Ain't use One before so was fumbling around most of the day,got some targets but no gold
Hey guys. Thought this thread had gone dead. How wrong lol. I am solely into water prospecting myself atm. I am pretty new to it myself but one day when im back in the area I could show ya what I know?
Getting to know how to post a message. Paul_mac I did reply earlier but it didn't appear!sorry. Anyway I have a 4wd and a minelab and am keen to get out somewhere yet it all seems on private property (or Echunga rubbish burial areas)in the Adelaide region. If anyone needs some company I'll be happy to join them. Cheers.
I get home from work Wednesday week, the 4th of June, we can try somewhere over the weekend if you work during the week. Let me know what's best for you.

Sounds great Paul_ I may be going to the flinders from 6th -9th. I'm not sure if these messages are private , so won't put contact details up. Looking forward to it cheers.
You can't send private messages til you reach 10 posts.
I go to the Flinders quite a lot, on private land, great prospecting and 4x4ing
Hey guys, I'm an adelaideian near mt compass, go up to the hills at least once a months, pretty hopeless to be honest but still having fun, finding only flour gold though.

Hi Stuart, welcome to the forum, at least you are finding something, I haven't even seen gold yet.
I've been to mount compass many times but never found anything

I went to Mt Crawford last week with Condor22. No luck with detectors, found some fine flour gold in the road creek on Watts Gully Road just north of the Rocky Creek Intersection. Not that I would either know about,or condone the practice, i believe there is still some flour gold in the South Para Creek..... just saying......
Hi Guys

I live in Gawler and am always looking to go out panning when ever possible. Always looking fo people to head out with. As they say a bad day panning Is better than a good day at work.

Pm me if interested in heading out sometime.

Regards Darryn
Hi all, Well I'm not near any gold fields......mores the pity. Live in the Copper Triangle and work hard to bribe the Mrs into going where I can do any panning detecting or anything else for that matter. Happy to talk about a meet up but are any of you going to Laanecoorie in Oct? We'll be there and then on to other places afterwards. I don't pan much, I have an untried Highbanker that has been nearly finished but never given a run, and I have an ATX and a Garrett Scorpian.
Hey fellas, I'm in Kadina, [the copper triangle] where there isn't much gold, well not now. After being a member here for a couple of years and actually seeing what Gold looks like when its attached to a host, I can remember as a kid [50 yrs ago now] actually seeing species when my mates and I used to go out and set rabbit traps. We wondered all around the mines at Wallaroo mines and many a time picked up a small specie, sometimes very small, only to throw it away because it got in the way of the trap placement, and we were told that what was in the area was Fool's Gold. Since then I have pondered that misinformation many times and now wonder where all those places used to be.
I feel for you Tassiedaz...I really do and I know your predicament exactly. I am in Mt Gambier which is a long long way from any decent goldfield. I head to Ararat to cure my prospecting itch.

Hi guys as I've had no luck,finding anything looking through other forums and posts this is the only one I have so far come across where there are sa people :} I'm only new to this and not looking,at finding anything,big or even,gold haha but just anything pretty, exciting and different for myself and the kids to fossick dig for etc... :},I'm 4 hours from Adelaide :} not much around the area. :}