Snake bite treatment, a very informative read.

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RM Outback said:
Holmz said:
That was great advice.
(Or find an old-school pentacostal preacher.)

Not Was Holmz, it is :Y: and Goody2shoes advice regarding marking the wound site on the external side of the bandage is just as good :Y:.

The "do not move the limb part", and "the bandage it tight part" -that was the good bit.
The discussion of the limbic system was a great way to show the reason for not moving the limb.

Hence following the FB advice makes sense, and the texta advice too.

The reference to Pentacostals and George Went Hensley, was intended to be humourous... they are known for playing with snakes during their services... however I doubt there are many pentacostals volentering to do bush work.
Having a mongoose tied to the coil is similarly nonsensical.
OK folks, I've put this into a pdf format for anyone who wants to print it out.

One is a full version of it over 2 pages in 10.5 font, which some people will need glasses to read.

So I've done a condensed edited version in a large font aswell on one page, for those like me who need glasses! You should be able to read this one without them. Good for the first aid kit - who wants to be looking for glasses in an emergency situation!? This one is mainly the treatment procedure.

I've taken the liberty to correct spelling mistakes and added a bit about marking the spot on the bandage too.

And just one thing about this... I don't believe you have 12 hours if you're bitten by a Death Adder or Taipan (you might want to check that for yourself before you believe this is true...).

MegsyB007 said:
OK folks, I've put this into a pdf format for anyone who wants to print it out.

One is a full version of it over 2 pages in 10.5 font, which some people will need glasses to read.

So I've done a condensed edited version in a large font aswell, for those like me who need glasses! You should be able to read this one without them.

And just one thing about this... I don't believe you have 12 hours if you're bitten by a Death Adder or Taipan (you might want to check that for yourself before you believe this is true...).


Top job Megsy your a champion :trophy: :Y:.