smoking has been outlawed in nsw forests

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steve wardle
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Taree, NSW
On the news just heard that smoking (even in your car) has been banned in NSW forests ...... I think only while high fire danger is in place.... :)
Same as national parks as we have been discussing in a ski/board forum. So who will be out in the backcountry policing the doobie smoking - bahahaha, goood luck with that one, nanny state
They do say that they are relying on peer pressure and public education to enforce the new bans, and that on the spot fines will only be as a last resort, or only to repeat offenders. So it sounds like it is pretty much not going to be physically policed, it's not like park rangers have time nor the resources to go around policing bans like this.
This is total crap and shows where the brains of some of these law makers are.
I used to smoke for 20yrs and gave up 2 years ago for my own reasons not theirs, I don't begrudge anyone that wants to smoke outdoors, it's legal and their right to and unless the government is going to be fair dinkum about banning it all together then they should just shut the F#@K up about it and stop hassling people to feel like a criminal for enjoying what they choose to do.
I agree with not smoking in a car with children and at a restaurant dinner table, but out in the forest.........come on, really?????

PS sorry rant over :|
I gave up smoking in 1999 and,well, it is the best thing i did for my health.
BUT this is going a bit too far.
If you throw a smoke from a moving car and it starts a fire, it will be noticed quite quickly by passers by and attended to quickly.
If you're in the middle of the bush you put out your smoke properly---mainly because you don't want to be caught in the middle of a bush fire, believe me.
Nah this is just the work of ladder climbing public servants looking for a stripe on their shoulders.
Rant over.
Jaros :lol:
So it's not just about accidentally starting a fire.
I haven't smoked for about 5 years but think anyone who wants to should be able to outdoors....especially in a damn forest.

But at the same time i have seen idiots in the past flic the still burning butt....made my blood boil.
When i was into archery i always had a little container with a lid for my butts.
Common sense.
Last time i was at Cols Bridge Turon River some f@#*wit had pulled over just past the bridge and emptied a car ashtray in the gutter. About 2 packs of butts. I have no problem about people smoking but take your shite leftover butts with you. Same as eating, drinking etc, take your shit with you. I enjoy a beer or twenty four but i dont throw the empties everywhere or empty the case on the side of the road. And dont get me started on McDonalds rubbish, they should be made to clean it up, they can afford it.

Sorry guys but I support the ban.

I am sick and tired of breathing everyone's cigarette smoke and am looking forward to the day it is banned on the footpaths and in parks and so forth. I am also sick and tired of smokers (perhaps not all of them but most) just dumping their butts wherever they feel like it. Smokers may well have some rights but so do non-smokers.

A few people here have mentioned the touchy subject of those who throw butts out the window of moving cars during fire bans. Unfortunately not all the bush fires that start this way are found quickly and put out quickly. A number of fires started by cigarette butts that remain lit when disposed of have razed whole suburbs and killed people in the past. It also places the lives of emergency services personnel at risk and we need to remember that these people are not paid, they are volunteers who selflessly ignore their own well being in the name of keeping the rest of us safe. Those who throw their butts on the ground or out the window of cars this way are no better than wanton arsonists.

Perhaps this does restrict freedom for a few people though in this case the benefits that will come from it will be worth it. If more people thought about the consequences of their actions then there wouldn't be a need for a nanny state.
Here Here, not all butts are thrown out alight but they still stink up the place and are very unsightly especially in the bush. Thats also why i collect any empty bottles i find cause they start fires in summer as well. Oh and by the way throwing your empties over the hill at Cols Bridge doesnt hide them because us prospectors look there as well. If you dont keep it clean F@#k off! Your hobby is smoking and it gets in my eyes nose and clothes, my hobby is drinking and how would you like it if i peed in your nose eyes and clothing, no difference?

smokers are out of control. Yesterday I was waiting outside the Fair Work Commission in Exhibition St Melb for our ride and I watched in disbelief at the amount of smokers chain-smoking on the footpath and negligently throwing their butts on the footpath. I counted dozens smoking and hundreds of butts. Bloody disgusting let alone trying to breath. There were ashtrays on the poles totally ignored as they were a few meters away.
Until you make it illegal, that's just how it is. :(
That's not a point. Most of the freedoms you enjoy to day has been won by so called Baby Boomers. Do you think you would have freedoms you enjoy today if it was not for world wide revolt against the establishment in Sixties? But following generations slowly eroded to those gains by being selective in what they did not like, should be legislated against, and what they like, don't touch MY freedom.
I'm wog and everyone have right to call me that, I they choose so. That's freedom of speech. Live and let live.
cracka said:
Here Here, not all butts are thrown out alight but they still stink up the place and are very unsightly especially in the bush. Thats also why i collect any empty bottles i find cause they start fires in summer as well. Oh and by the way throwing your empties over the hill at Cols Bridge doesnt hide them because us prospectors look there as well. If you dont keep it clean F@#k off! Your hobby is smoking and it gets in my eyes nose and clothes, my hobby is drinking and how would you like it if i peed in your nose eyes and clothing, no difference?


And do you think I and other can't smell booze from you!?
By the way I stopped smoking about year ago. But I some one lit up beside me, so what. Couple grams of tobacco going up in smoke. Just look on hundreds of cars paying you, burning kilo grams of petrol and diesel. What next, ban the cars? How you are going to get to places where you search for gold. Horse may be. Or Wagon pull by team of bullocks. Those cow pads will sure look pretty.
That is the point if you were referring to my post. If they do that with such contempt on the side walk imagine what they do with live fag butts in the bush. Bloody scary. As for fighting the establishment, Geez mate. From what I remember everyone was stoned, pissed and didn't give a shite in the 60's .
On that point I have to agree with you. Not only on cig butts, but also on camp fires. Quite few times I come across smoldering campfire.
I was in a city that had people running and jogging
along the car ways, I thought, How many are breathing in carbon monoxide
in them deep breaths while running.
Then I see a buss with diesel fumes pouring out the back while picking up the kids from school
Alls fine but dont smoke that ciggy,
Butts go in the bin but, they do pay council workers to clean the streets in citys.
how many ciggys does it take to equal a tank of petrol
in fumes or posion levels,< reality.
and if ya in the bush throwng a butt on the ground
in dry tinder, well.
But old days are past and people use ashtrays.
so I am gona light up a ciggy right now and enjoy.
What next, ban the cars?

No, because the exhaust from vehicles is burnt at a higher temperature and we don't have the cars on the footpath with the exhaust pipes forcing the smoke in our direction. Unless you are a life-long non-smoker you can't have any idea of how offensive it is to cop someone else's smoke in your face.