Smallest gold found with a detector?

Prospecting Australia

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Thanks davent I am told they don't shot to deep, but that's what the 4500 is for. I was suprised at the size of it when I found it, but after clearing the surface debris it sounded like a soft but definite target
:lol: I had to study the picture to see it :lol: classic. That is what is called "electronic panning" good one.
I was just about to head home as it was getting late with out colour and thought I would call past an area I used to camp near 35 years ago it has been absolutely flogged and was totally amazed at the size of gold to signal, first bit for quite a while so I might head back there next Saturday to give it a good going over
Hi Folks,

I have a really good GP Extreme. I can pick up 0.1 gram bits up to about 2" in moderate ground. Here's a pic of this weeks finds. The circled bit was inside a piece of washed quartz. That coin is a 1816 sixpence I found as well. The two smaller bits are 0.1 grams
Thanks Numpty,

I love the history of the goldfields. Makes me wonder what happened to the owner of the sixpence? I guess we'll never know. The old Extreme is doing well for me. I've had it for years. I run it against a GPX 5000 last week. I got 4 bits, the GPX got 3. I think you have to know your machine well. That's the key I reckon.

Cheers :)
With the sdc I found one speck that didn't move the scales!
.01, 02s common too..

If tiny..
Quick scoop, bag target and chuck in the sluice box (or pan it) later.. Count the targets and usually have the same pan out..
I am also new to the gpx4500 having a xt17000 for awhile. What my question is what settings do you run on th gpx4500 to find small gold with the standard mono coil
.01 for me last weekend with gpx 5000 and 11" elite, thought it was going to be a tiny bit of shot but turned out to be gold, also in the first scratch