Ramjet's XP Deus finds.

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I noticed that they were all very deep, great hunting. Now I have the Nox I'm going to have to try that on the 5khz setting to see if it will ping any deeper silvers, instead of just running it all the time in multi IQ mode. :Y: :Y:
The first pic is a midnight hunt I had after 7 straight shifts at work. I enjoyed it very much.
The next pics are from a hunt I had with Rocket today. We haven't been out much together this year. I enjoyed the hunt and the company. My first target was the 1918 shilling and I could have gone home happy with that. Rocket chose the site and we didn't expect much as we had been there a few times before. I was pleasantly suprised to pick out a few small silvers from areas I had covered more than once before. I guess it shows that with experience we can go over old ground and sniff out some more treasures. Rocket also found a few small silvers in a patch I though I had covered pretty well. As we were leaving we tried an area of the site we had not done before. In a very short time I had 4 pennies in a small area and Rocket got 2 florins, a sixpence and a couple of pennies. We will go back!

Rockets finds here.






Am feeling inadequate in the silver department after viewing your combined totals, not bad at all considering you haven't hit the parks for a while.

It does seem that every consecutive hunt builds experience on what to expect tone wise on various targets. As soon as you dig the first coin based on an iffy tone, a lot more targets tend to present themselves, and ones that you would have most likely walked over previously. I know I have gone back to well detected sites and found coins, then questioned why they were not picked up before - probably as my ears were tuned to pick up on shallow to mid depth coins, and not deeper or on edge ones.

Doesn't matter too much anyway, not like you have to clean out a site on the first session. ;)
So many factors...experience, soil moisture levels, adjustments to settings, software upgrade, or hardware upgrades, and just swinging your coil an inch closer to a coin than before. The last 15mins of the hunt, is where we found a new patch.....big hopes for next time.
for about 2hrs, that's a very good hunt. Your a gun with any detector you know Ramjet, your finds with the atpro were awesome, and you dont miss much with the skinny french tart either!
rocketaroo said:
for about 2hrs, that's a very good hunt. Your a gun with any detector you know Ramjet, your finds with the atpro were awesome, and you dont miss much with the skinny french tart either!

LOL. Thanks Rocket. As I have stated elsewhere.... The student has become the master. Full credit to your skills. After you went through several detectors in a short period, the Deus seems to suit you well.
Those coppers look to be in too gooder condition for Newcastle, must be away from the BHP toxic ground. Another good hunt from a well beaten area Rod. :Y: