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AEGPF said:
Howard will be at the Laanecoorie Gold Bash and will happily demonstrate that the QED with the 12 EVO will detect the coins at the distances in the chart.
The pitch change will trigger before a change in vol and for some targets the only indication is a change of pitch or threshold break.Dean at Goldsearch Dunolly does not worry about listening for changes in threshold vol but only listens for pitch changes.

The reason for this is that the QED VCO(pitch) will be triggered by a very small change in signal input voltage whereas the VCA(volume) requires a bigger change in voltage to trigger .If the QED vol is set too low then the VCA will only be triggered by bigger signals or may give at best a small change in audio volume.
Well about 16 hours with the QED at Durikai and i think that I've got all the gear but no idea... :D got the qed running really stable it must have been as I was finding rust, nails, shot of various sizes..
my settings varied a little bit as the day went on depending on the ground gb 118 to 130, THS B 49, THS A 20, GAIN 4 to 6 and Mode 5 to 8. Detech 11" Ultra Sensing Mono with the coil I use for majority of the 2days however I did put on an advantage 14 x 8 and it ran ok but not as nicely as a detech. At one stage I couldn't get it gb. Was full of hot rocks and no matter what I did it just wouldn't play the game. I put the detech back on and it ran nicely after a bit of stuffing around.. gb 138, THS B 49, THS A 20, GAIN 6 and Mode 10..
after doing a bit of reading I think my volume might be a little low?
Pic of some of the junk I found

See how I go tomorrow... if anyone got any helpful hints would be great. :)
Cando said:
Well about 16 hours with the QED at Durikai and i think that I've got all the gear but no idea... :D got the qed running really stable it must have been as I was finding rust, nails, shot of various sizes..
my settings varied a little bit as the day went on depending on the ground gb 118 to 130, THS B 49, THS A 20, GAIN 4 to 6 and Mode 5 to 8. Detech 11" Ultra Sensing Mono with the coil I use for majority of the 2days however I did put on an advantage 14 x 8 and it ran ok but not as nicely as a detech. At one stage I couldn't get it gb. Was full of hot rocks and no matter what I did it just wouldn't play the game. I put the detech back on and it ran nicely after a bit of stuffing around.. gb 138, THS B 49, THS A 20, GAIN 6 and Mode 10..
after doing a bit of reading I think my volume might be a little low?
Pic of some of the junk I found
See how I go tomorrow... if anyone got any helpful hints would be great. :)

I would use a lower gain say 2 or 3 and use a higher ThS A (vol) -Try 40-50 or even higher. If ground is hot and variable GB on the hottest ground you can find and then leave the gb there because less mineralized ground should not produce any signal. You could even try GB'ing over the hottest hot rocks and then leave the gb at that setting. With the advantage coil you may need to run the mode even higher than 10.
Thanks AEGPF, I am was hopping i was doing something wrong with the advantage coil as i liked the feel of the detector with it on.. it felt even lighter and really well balanced. Ok i was checking the gb ever 10 or so mins or if i noticed I was coming up to a lot of ironstone etc... i have 1 1/2 more days out here so hopefully i will get it right and find so yellow.
Cando said:
Thanks AEGPF, I am was hopping i was doing something wrong with the advantage coil as i liked the feel of the detector with it on.. it felt even lighter and really well balanced. Ok i was checking the gb ever 10 or so mins or if i noticed I was coming up to a lot of ironstone etc... i have 1 1/2 more days out here so hopefully i will get it right and find so yellow.

The other important thing that i have also mentioned in an earlier post is to focus not only on any change in the threshold vol but any change in pitch or break in the threshold.Some targets at the very limit of detection depth may only give change in pitch.The ear is also more sensitive to pitch changes. Any change should be investigated.Some small pitch changes may just be ground noise but also could be a very deep target.
Anyway good luck :)
AEGPF said:
These are the settings he used when he repeated the test this morning using the external speaker.
Mode 3, gain 3, bias neutral and vol 52 on his QED. The coins both give a low tone. If you use headphones these distances can be exceeded if you listen just for changes in threshold pitch. The pitch change will trigger before a change in vol and for some targets the only indication is a change of pitch or threshold break.

Okay thanks AEGPF although are you able to explain what the Bias neutral setting is?

Also this so called change of pitch or threshold break would seem to be the difference in what each of us decipher as a proper signal response.
Cando said:
Thanks AEGPF, I am was hopping i was doing something wrong with the advantage coil as i liked the feel of the detector with it on.. it felt even lighter and really well balanced. Ok i was checking the gb ever 10 or so mins or if i noticed I was coming up to a lot of ironstone etc... i have 1 1/2 more days out here so hopefully i will get it right and find so yellow.

Cando it is good to read how you are going with your QED while out on the field. I was surprise that the Advantage coil did not run a nice as the Detech as I would have thought the Detech Ultra being a flat wound /spiral type to be more sensitive to the ground especially with the Gain up as high as 6.

Looking forward to more of your experiences while out on the field that may help my learning curve.

Hope to read you got some yellow.
washgravel said:
AEGPF said:
These are the settings he used when he repeated the test this morning using the external speaker.
Mode 3, gain 3, bias neutral and vol 52 on his QED. The coins both give a low tone. If you use headphones these distances can be exceeded if you listen just for changes in threshold pitch. The pitch change will trigger before a change in vol and for some targets the only indication is a change of pitch or threshold break.

Okay thanks AEGPF although are you able to explain what the Bias neutral setting is?

Also this so called change of pitch or threshold break would seem to be the difference in what each of us decipher as a proper signal response.

Bias setting range is 1-99 with default setting at 50 which is neutral. Their may be slight variation from machine to machine from 49-51.
AEGPF said:
Their may be slight variation from machine to machine from 49-51.

I asked as I did recall reading somewhere about using a formula after raising and lowering the Bias then taking note of the numbers to ascertain a neutral Bias?
Well got a couple hours in early this morning but was really a waste of time I think as it rained the night before and it was blowing a Gail and looking like it was going to start raining again... really couldn't get it to settle down, EMI spikes, noise whatever you call it. I wasn't the only person having problems there was a bloke in there with a 4500 having dramas.. so back to the cars outcomes Gm1000 and he pulled out and Gold Bug 2.. we had a junk collecting competition. :D Until it started raining then back to camp I went.. we were obviously newbies as we were the only ones out here silly enough to try, that i saw. :lol: :lol:

Washgravel I think the problem with the advantage was more me than anything else, the nut behind the wheel so to speak.. this being my first PI detector, the nut behind the wheel is a little loose :eek: :) ..
washgravel said:
AEGPF said:
Their may be slight variation from machine to machine from 49-51.

I asked as I did recall reading somewhere about using a formula after raising and lowering the Bias then taking note of the numbers to ascertain a neutral Bias?
From the QED manual
Locating the Neutral Position which is determined by raising and lowering the BIAS and taking note of the numbers.
Start by raising BIAS with the button until it the BIAS starts to get to a certain volume level e.g. 58. Then lower the BIAS with the button until you get the same volume level e.g. 44. The example range is 58
less 44 = 14. Halve the 14, which becomes 7. Add 7 to 44 = 51.
AEGPF said:
From the QED manual
Locating the Neutral Position

Yes thanks again as I do need to refer to the QED manual more so being a newbie, good advice.

AEGPF from the amount of knowledge that you are prepared to share with us newbies do you have a preferred coil for use on your QED?

And from your experience when out in the field what settings have you found to best suit that particular coil?
washgravel said:
AEGPF said:
From the QED manual
Locating the Neutral Position

Yes thanks again as I do need to refer to the QED manual more so being a newbie, good advice.

AEGPF from the amount of knowledge that you are prepared to share with us newbies do you have a preferred coil for use on your QED?

And from your experience when out in the field what settings have you found to best suit that particular coil?

I can't detect now due to the fact that i had chest surgery some time ago and due to scar tissue have bouts of severe post operative pain and if i take painkillers i can't drive!My passion now is fly fishing and even in that i am somewhat restricted! QED users on my forum are using a variety of coils and settings.The best 8" coil appears to be a ML commander and best larger coils are the CT elite and NF advantage and the Detech 11" ultra sensing mono which runs the quietest.As for settings it depends on the coil size and what the user is targeting and ground mineralization. For small gold use a small coil, low mode and bias at under 50. For bigger gold use a larger coil, with a higher mode and the bias above 50 .On very hot ground the mode may have to be taken out to beyond 10. Howard ran the 14" detech spiral would coil at Tipperary Hill Dunolly using these settings Gain 4, bias neutral, Mode 8. The ground varied from 125 to 135.
Here are the setting that JRbeatty uses with his 14"CT elite:(14" Elite) are usually:Ground balance between 137 and 142 Bias between 48 and 50
Gain between 4 and 5.Mode between 2 and 3 With his wireless headphones he uses a vol on the QED of around 30-35
The gain on some very hot ground may have to reduced to 1-2. Some of most successful QED uses are using wireless systems the best of which are the RS 160 which has its own vol control and works brilliantly with the QED with the transmitter sitting on top of the QED control box. Jrbeatty uses this system and he and Reg wilson have found tens of ounces of gold with their QED;s in Vic
There is heaps on info here : http://australianelectronicgoldprospectingforum.com/new-board-109/
and their is a private board for QED users.
The QED thread on finders forum also has heaps of info look for the posts by "yellowfin"
Some QED gold found by JRbeatty
QED gold
Here is the wireless set up that JRbeatty uses. Both the transmitter and the phones have variable gain.

Here is some more gold found by Reg and jrb with their QED's
Well AEGPF, thats the stuff I was looking for the last 4 days... s I headed out for my last session this morning, overcast, wet from the nights rain but no wind.
I put on the advantage 14x 9. the qed is incredibly light with this coil on. Setting were, gb 134, THS B 49, THS A 45, GAIN 3 and Mode 11.. but I found the threshold to be a little chippy (not a nice buzz) with this volume so I ended up dropping it back to 35 which was bearable on the ears.. I'm using earphones by the way...
I dug a false signal.. the usual nails, old can that I thought was the second largest nugget in the world and made me dig a hole the size of the grand Canyon...I'm thinking to myself how the xxxx did this can get here, yep this gold detecting is great fun :lol: :lol: yep I'm currently planning my next trip out here :D :Y: I need to learn the country as well as the detector.
Does anyone know of any companies doing courses out Warwick way?
Hi Cando
Nice post. I see in one of your earlier posts that you also have the detech 11". If you had to choose between that and the 14x9 advantage which one would it be?
I have a 14x9 but have been wondering if I should go down the detech path.
Thanks Cando and as petere says a nice post.

As I have an advantage I would also be interested on Cando's choice in regards to the Detech 11" Ultra coil?

Especially now having used both on his QED during his trip.
I started off mostly using a NF Advantage 14x7 mono on the QED. This was when I was having my initial teething problems.
I've since been using the 11" Detech Ultra Mono & have now been getting much better performance so have been reluctant to take it off. I don't believe it is due to the coil that the machine has been better but rather settings etc. I do however believe that the 11" Detech Ultra Mono is a great coil on the QED & it will be staying as part of my kit for sure!
Others I have been in contact with are having good results with a variety of NF Advantage coils with some preferring them over the new coil types but then others swear by the Coiltek Elite 11" & 14" coils so for me it's all about personal preference & what you find works best for you. I think, depending on ground, you will be able to successfully use NF Advantage/Evo's, Detech, Coiltek & Minelab coils on the QED with the correct adjustment to suit. The new type may be a bit harder to use in the higher mineralised ground so having an old wind type Minelab, NF Advantage etc. in your kit is worthwhile.
I'll be trying out a NF Advantage 16" mono this weekend so the 11" Detech Ultra Mono will be reluctantly coming off for now but won't be too far away if needed. If time permits I'll get the NF 14x7 on for another go too - I really love the elliptical shape of this size coil for poking around rocky area's etc. + it's still got a reasonable footprint so I hope to get my settings right for it.
I see for those who are able to visit the Laanecoorie Gold Bash tomorrow and over the weekend the QED will be demonstrated to those who are interested in it.

According to the developer his QED is also to be demonstrated at an embankment test site with targets placed under the ground along with video footage of the event. I am sure it will be of interest for that video footage to be uploaded to the developer's YouTube site and the retailer's Stinky Pete's You Tube site.

Also on what people post here in regards to their thoughts after being present at these demonstrations of the QED's abilities.
I found the detech 11 inch to be easier to get the setting right and run quieter.. but the advantage 14x9 felt lighter and lot better balanced on the qed.. I have the qed2 from detech with the control box mounted underneath the armrest.. I would lean towards the detech 11, because it worked better on the qed in the conditions I had, if you know what I mean. the last two days was pretty ordinary weather it rained and heavily winds. in the wind both coils were pretty bad as you would expect. But on wet ground no wind, on the last day the detech wins, it wasn't perfect but it was less noisy and once I got it set I didn't have to touch but the advantage on the other hand wasn't quite right, I felt like I had to adjust something. I'm going to try them all again this weekend and a Coiltek 14"... too many toys and not enough time!! :lol: :D