Prospectors Ages

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 3, 2013
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Batemans Bay
Hey folks...I am into a few different hobbies and forums and always throw this out there just to get a feel for the people about the forum...I'm 55 and just getting into prospecting(or hoping to) to fill the void of not being able to Bow Hunt much as I snapped a tendon in my bow arm...I always find it interesting to see the ages of people that participate so how about posting it up here...

Hey Sparra, I'm 43. I'm just new to prospecting too. I've got dodgy knees after years of footy, cricket and marathon running! Luckily the back is still holding up.
hi mate 34 dodgy ankle bad shoulder but that all fades when you find some thing you fell like your 18 again new to this hobby every one here is friendly and ready to help :)
32 here, and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more prospecting when I retire :lol:

Seriously though, you're only as old as you feel. We've actually got quite a few retirees on the forum who travel around the country side prospecting along the way, age is no barrier.
I am 42 mate. I work in an office so I love to get out in the bush. I have always been interested in prospecting but never really done much about it until recently. This hobby is hard with little kids but mine are grown up now. My son (17) got him self 80 series Landcruiser so he drives me around on roads and off and by now I think he has the gold fever as well. ;)
34 mate, I love all the parts of prospecting, Camping, travel, research, design, history, exploring, the whole lot makes it an awesome hobby.
53 myself & being doing this for only 2 years . Have many hobbies , but this beats them all - the thrill of the find . Uncovering that gem , or flake/nugget & your eyes are the 1st to see.
Well into my fifth decade, 45.5, only took up prospecting this year in my search for the fountain of youth.
40 here, stuck at home with 2 kids and chronic psoriatic arthritis from head to toe, which makes any form of prospecting VERY difficult. But still, there's something about getting your hands in the earth that just helps..

Cheers, Paul.
70 & still enjoying camping & caravaning,the great outdoors.

Nah Nugget, you're only as young as the one you feel up. 59 here, currently a junior senior and soon to be a senior senior when I get my seniors card next june. I've got too many ailments to list here, otherwise Nugget will have to do another upgrade lol.
63 & work in an office & a hanger only been at this a bit over a year. Built a sluice nearly 20 years ago with good intentions but was grossly over committed but now I can get out more. Seems there is more gold in the camping than the creek, what a privilege :)

And now my wife thinks I should be committed. ;)
Im 56 and partner 63 we are still working but do alot of travelling 3 months of the year. Have been detecting alot of years, me about 20 years and partner 30 or more we love it. Been alot of places and seen lots and still lots more to see :D
I am 32 love getting out for a dig but can't got as much as I would like to as I am a stay at home dad with 4 kids. It will be great when they are all at school get a casual job and prospect on the days off
63 and retired...don't get out as much as I'd like to though...still catching up on jobs around the place that I didn't get done when I was working..
54. semi retired. retiring 100 % next year. first panning was as a kid in 1972 (slaty creek) . as full time as i can get. using my free time to make the transition from melbourne to my bush cabin. sitting at cabin as i type. beautiful arvo, just getting ready to have a few frothies and fire up the barbie. perfect.
34 here too. Seems to be a few of us around that age. Hopefully not related to an early onset mid-life crisis?! :D

I would give anything to go back to the early 70's and start again loamer. Good times to be young and out prospecting with the whole world ahead of you. Less rules and regulations to worry about back then also ;)

Hope we all have MANY more years of good finds ahead!

27. Been interested in fossicking since I was a kid. Have had a lust for gold all my life but took me till April to start looking into it and july to get back out and have a go.
I get out at least every second weekend now.