Prospecting Australia turns the big (1) today

Prospecting Australia

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Congrats on a job well done, genuinely love the sharing of the wealth of info that each of the forum members have be it an experienced "old timer" or someone just starting out, every one of you helps build the big picture of prospecting in our great regions.
Cheers Tom
Many thanks to Nugget and all the moderators for a wonderful forum.
Also many thanks to all the contributors for their input and taking the time to put up photos and explanations.
We enjoy it all and it often causes great conversation and lots of map reading.
We have been to places we had not before such as Tuena, Grabben Gullen and just this week Black Springs. I have no treasures yet but do have a wonderful ROCK collection. Never mind it is something to work on.
Thanks again and keep up the wonderful work
:) :)
just tosated ya and the site with a VB , great site just hope it doesn,t get too big and lose its individuallity like others,selfish I guess but but when ya got a good thing its a shame to change it.
Congats Nugget and heres to the future, beers cheers and look out for queers Jed :D :D
Well done Nugget. it seems to have a much more personal feel than any other forum I've been on in general. Kudos to you.
Congrats Nugget :cool:
and to the Mods as well.
Seeing as I'm a day late with the well wishes I will make sure to have an extra beer or 3 to toast this wonderful occasion :D
Congratulations on the milestone, this forum is probably the most friendly, laidback, well laid out source of info on the web for the amateur and pro prospector in Oz. :)
Happy Birthday PA...fantastic job Nugget to get it up and running as the great site that it is...makes ya proud to say I'm a member of "Prospecting Australia"...
Congratulations Nugget on a job well done. A big thank you to all the moderators on the forum also. It's great to have such a wealth of experience and information like this all in one spot. Keep up the great work! :)