Proposed crown land management changes NSW

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Aug 9, 2013
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Nowra, NSW
Hi All,

I am posting a link to gather signatures requesting a deferment of a new bill to be introduced on Nov 8th for crown land in NSW, I only just found this petition today and I hope it is not too late (only commenced a few days ago), please consider voicing your concern that community involvement is a preferred option.

Is this the same Minister that has bought Frogs Hollow near Bega and
has leased it out to over sea's interest's to train their pilot's. ?
The same person who is making changes to stamp out crown land management by
" Getting rid of red tape to make it easier to acquire crown land for personal use. "
We are in a lot of trouble here folks.
I will be discussing this at the NPAFA meeting.
Well noticed Bazza. Thanks for posting.
I notice in a quick glance at the legislation that apart from giving the minister clear power to lease/sell crown land, that also western lands leases can be converted to freehold land and purchased by the leaseholder if the minister wants it to happen. This means that all the leased properties out west in places like Milparinka and Tibooburra could possibly become freehold.(removing the burden/cost on government to manage the leases).

There is no doubt that the main driver for this legislation is to generate revenue for government from selling off land or leasing it to a much greater degree then it is done now, and in doing so reduce management costs to government. The legislation will also allow the minister to abolish all the community trusts who manage some reserves (ie Hill End) and to do with reserves whatever the government wants. I know the government has been trying for years to find ways for them not to fund the substantial management costs of weed control/erosion control etc on the states crown reserves.

Might spend a night or two reading all the 247 pages of the legislation....I bet the community consultation mentioned in it is only a token gesture the minister must do on the way towards selling/leasing/transferring management of, a land parcel

PS while I do look for upcoming legislation changes it always seems that proposed legislation changes are hard to find info on and you often only find out after the fact. Anyone know any good sites that list legislation/regulation changes that are being looked an early stage?
We definitely need more members looking out for changes that may effect fossicking.
NSW Government community consultations:

The Crown Lands issue was put up a while ago & I'm pretty sure NAPFA made a submission - I did. It looks like my submission fell on deaf ears - in mine I had suggested Crown Lands like Commons etc. remain with the trust/s but maybe have wider community right of use & pretty much the same for Western Land Leases - more fossicker/prospector right of access - no fire sales :mad: .
I know this may come across the wrong way but with the petition is our details secure or is the person that started the petition have access to all the information that you provide or is it secured by a government site if its the latter I would be fine giving my information but I wouldn't be if say Joe blow started it and then they have everyone's personal details.. just a thought :/
greencheeks77 said:
I know this may come across the wrong way but with the petition is our details secure or is the person that started the petition have access to all the information that you provide or is it secured by a government site if its the latter I would be fine giving my information but I wouldn't be if say Joe blow started it and then they have everyone's personal details.. just a thought :/

Privacy policy for those concerned
signed, good work on bringing this to everyones attention BAZZA what a crock of shit this bill is, governments are corrupt enough as they are, imagine how many back handers, and donations will flow, to the party in govt, in order to win favour, so currently leased public land could be converted to private property, so the proprietors, can cash in on the sale, development, or natural resources on or underneath the land. Not to mention how this will effect, prospectors, hunters, bushwalkers, the publics access to this, our land when it is sold or privatised.
Where is the media on this issue something which effects 42% of the land mass in NSW ? MUST BE EASIER TO TALK ABOUT DONALD TRUMP OR A GAY PLEBISCITE