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Prospecting Australia

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Prospecting in the sticks in outback WA in February/March. Was a deeply moving experience. Storm clouds brought in heavy rain and lightning from the North and I got stranded on this rock outcrop for a week. Just the wildlife and my camper. Nothing else out here. No vehicle tracks, fences, mobile reception or planes.





I would be dead at 3 stings.
I can see the funny side though. LOL

Keano said:
I once check a bee hive at approx 45 feet when I accidentally cut through the middle of one in a previous life as a arborist. It's fare to say I have never come down out of a tree so quick in my live. The problem was that the other half of the hive was at the base of the tree waiting for me.. Doctors gave up counting the stings at 150!!!!
Thats gold nuggetino.....very astute mate parking up high on an outcrop when you saw the weather closing in, great bush sense.

Love that lil scooter and sounds like an adventure of a lifetime.

Oh how I miss black tea and damper, by a fire of gidgee coal ;)
Tathradj said:
I would be dead at 3 stings.
I can see the funny side though. LOL

Keano said:
I once check a bee hive at approx 45 feet when I accidentally cut through the middle of one in a previous life as a arborist. It's fare to say I have never come down out of a tree so quick in my live. The problem was that the other half of the hive was at the base of the tree waiting for me.. Doctors gave up counting the stings at 150!!!!

Funny now, not so funny at the time? lol
I looked like the bloody marshmallow man of Ghost Buster.. Ha ha
Haha, Mopokes, I use to have a Family of 5 of them young'uns in a tree right next to the veranda, that use to visit nearly everyday, Cool.

It has inspired me to go camping this weekend RR. Though there's no estuary's in the GT :D

And bait is cheating SCROUNGER ;)

Yeh I know the feeling GoldTeeth. I don't mind wading the flats with my two sons in a little inflatable behind me jumping in & out. Crystal clear water and chest high. Lake Eildon freaks me out a bit, DEEP and kinda murky 8)
That's a ripper shot of the brahminy kite Filthy. i've sketch and painted a few of them over the years, they're one of my favourite birds alongside kingfishers and wrens.
Thanks Scrounger, yeah my favourite to, like all birds, love their screeching call, piece of triva for you - Early birds did not call they were silent, first place birds evolved to calling and communicating was Australia :D