Petition to stop the proposed ban on sluicing in Victoria

Prospecting Australia

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Signed. Posted/Shared on both my Twitter & Facebook accounts, too! :)

HeadsUp ... great pics! I'm gonna post them on my Facebook Page (589 friends) if you wouldn't mind?
AussieKate said:
Signed. Posted/Shared on both my Twitter & Facebook accounts, too! :)

HeadsUp ... great pics! I'm gonna post them on my Facebook Page (589 friends) if you wouldn't mind?

Please do and link it to the petition

I would also like to find out who the people and organisations are that are driving this campaign so we can accurately tailor make an appropriate strategy to suit if anyone reading can assist ?

we need to understand the scope of the problem to best find solutions to it.

thankyou muchly :D

I am sick and tired of 'over-the-top' environmentalist intervention. Next, there'll be a push to ban bushwalking in NPs ... indeed, there was such a recommendation in an environmental study done a couple of years ago into a NP where I do a fair bit of bushwalking. :mad: Let's hope common sense prevails, but alas common sense no longer appears to be very common.
Signed. What next? Why are we losing all the things we value? ...."For we are young and FREE" My arse.
Well asked everyone I know and there happy to sign it so that might add another 20 so how long have we got to get the numbers?
There is currently no cutoff, but the sooner we reach the target the sooner we can put the signatures to good use.
Ok, done. :)
As per Posted
Quote -
My first begging Post. LOl
As a few of you know I love my getting out in the bush and enjoying a bit of a "Scratch And Sniff"
Have a look on"" just to see how wonderful this hobby is.
For just a tiny out lay you too can get out there and enjoy what this beautiful country of ours has to offer with the chance of coming home with an amount of Gold to show off. True, This is what Victoria is up to but this has the implications of "Snowballing" and wiping out a truly wonderful hobby here in NSW and the rest of Australia. For those who do not know what a Sluice or High Banker is, Search the mentioned forum. It will surprise you. LOL
Please, Sign the petition and stop this bloody stupid act from progressing. After all, This is what our country was built on.
Thank You. The Petition,
Goldpick said:
Petition, signed. Here's the link to Christine Milnes contact details.

christine-milne . greensmps . org . au / contact

O boy, Goldpick .... now you've got me into trouble!!! I'm off to give this "person" a woman-to-woman mouthful GRRrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :8 :mad:
AussieKate said:
Goldpick said:
Petition, signed. Here's the link to Christine Milnes contact details.

christine-milne . greensmps . org . au / contact

O boy, Goldpick .... now you've got me into trouble!!! I'm off to give this "person" a woman-to-woman mouthful GRRrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :8 :mad:

Wait . Was it Christine Milne pushing for the ban or is it Jenny oconnor you're thinking of ?

Jenny oconnor has a Facebook page that has been visited by a few of us , go for a read. ;)

If you feel like it , ask Jenny oconnor to offer an apology and correction in the media for the inaccurate information that she espoused

I think a public apology and correction is warranted

Is the TV program "media watch" still running these days ?

I didn't watch TV for 6 months so I wouldn't know
Signed yesterday also.

I dread to see these things come up.
The government really know how to remove the enjoyment from life and as a consequence it's usually the little guys like us that are left in the lurch.

Hopefully we see the goal numbers reached and have it overturned.
All the best,
If the greens claim we damage marine ecology by sluicing then the same accusations could be made towards them

If they own a home that has lawn , then every time they walk over their lawn they have a high risk of killing micro organisms . bugs , insects etc , and in fact the lawnmower is definitely killing some.

I dont see the Greens lobbying to have exclusion zones placed on every lawn in australia to ban lawnmowers , and ban humans from walking around on their lawn.

Its also true , that every time they use a shovel to dig over their vege garden , they risk cutting earthworms and bugs in two with the shovel

outlaw the digging of vege gardens next ?

the above arguments are as sound as their attempts to ban our hobby
I have signed the petition as well as members of my family and friends. However to get the numbers up I suggest we need the support of other organisations or groups eg, Bush users group, 4wd clubs, Sporting shooters association etc. This issue is far bigger than just mining and prospecting. This is an attack on our Democratic Rights ! AFTER ALL, WHO KNOWS WHOSE NEXT IN THE FIRING LINE ?
johnb said:
I have signed the petition as well as members of my family and friends. However to get the numbers up I suggest we need the support of other organisations or groups eg, Bush users group, 4wd clubs, Sporting shooters association etc. This issue is far bigger than just mining and prospecting. This is an attack on our Democratic Rights ! AFTER ALL, WHO KNOWS WHOSE NEXT IN THE FIRING LINE ?

what next ?

they would ban 4WD from entering bushland or fire trails

ban campfires "because they contribute to global warming"

ban bushwalking "because microrganisms will get crushed by the feet of people walking up pathways"

i dont know which is more lethal , giving loaded guns to children or power to politicians ?