Petition to stop the proposed ban on sluicing in Victoria

Prospecting Australia

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I have signed and donated few $$. I hope we can stick together against this nonsense. I hope my grand children can take a pan to a creek without a cop watching them.
If they start banning access to areas and the type of equipment use, I wonder whether the fee for a Miners Right would be reduced to reflect this? Probably not....
Very easy to send the link to your prospecting mates via iPhone text and ask if they would help out'
I find this very disappointing how much I put into this country by paying taxes, picking up "other peoples rubbish" & filling in holes so the greens don't twist a ankle, then to find I get nothing in return ' Like come one! Who's really supporting this country? Stripping people from their rights is what's already &$@?!? The country so far isn't it? Get a bit more green energy in ya by sitting at home using it all up, that's right I pay tax on that too' well I want something back for all the tax I pay. And sluicing 2 days in warm months is just that. (A lot was deleted while writing this post)
we can sign more than once from a given email address.. went back today and was able to sign up my wife... tomorrow my son and the day after that my father, day after mother ect ect. it appears you have to wait 24hrs for the page to reset and allow another person to sign from any given email address.. get cracking and sign up your entire family ...3000 forum members only need 2 people per member to hit the quota. :)
Have also signed but a possible word of caution ....
Not sure of the status/validity/worth of petitions if people sign more than once, as this appears on a few prospecting sites and facebook/twitter etc I think we need to be careful.
Different family members is great but each should only sign once.
I may be wrong but ???????
Sign up if you haven't already done soo,
Cheers Tom
We have around 400 signatures but we have a long way to go

we really have to push harder folks otherwise someone sitting in an office is going to wipe us out with a pen stroke

what other places can this be promoted ?

have you all linked it on your facebook pages ?

do we have anyone here who is on friendly terms with staff at prospecting stores ?

send it to them , print it out and stick it on their noticeboard

ask them to mail it out to contacts too ?

its not enough yet guys

has it also been emailed to every member on the site ?

we have 3000 members but only 400 signatures

whats wrong here ???
I'll get an email out to members shortly. I don't usually like to promote anything political but this proposed ban could be the end of prospecting for many of us.
Still 400 isn't bad. That's 400 voices that were being ignored. In celebration I'm off to highbank. Just put the finishing touches on my new highbanker and classifier. Next stop Bendigo NP.
Well I'm sure we could get a thousand a day if people were prepared to organize something with pen and paper around the CBD or at the local weekend markets.

Needs to be organized properly but if you want 10,000+ signatures we need the general public.
An email has just been sent out to members. The key to reaching 5000 signatures is sharing the petition as much as possible.