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Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all,

The wife and I went out for a swing on the weekend, after about 6 hours of digging rubbish, chasing ground noise and kicking hot rocks away :( I was well and truly over it and ready for a beer. The missus looked at me and never missed a beat (she was in the zone) I think she said something like harden up mate. Anyhow to cut a long story short we (she) bagged three before the sun went down.

I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it :)


Jim & Kerrie
Very nice indeed Jim, definitely prepare for a lifetime of banter from the wife :lol:

What sort of detector was used on these?

Well done to the missus, detecting definately takes a lot of persistence and patience but the rewards make it worth it.

Jim. said:
Hi all,

The wife and I went out for a swing on the weekend, after about 6 hours of digging rubbish, chasing ground noise and kicking hot rocks away :( I was well and truly over it and ready for a beer. The missus looked at me and never missed a beat (she was in the zone) I think she said something like harden up mate. Anyhow to cut a long story short we (she) bagged three before the sun went down.

I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it :)

Jim & Kerrie

re the hot rocks , did you crack any open with a hammer to check for nugs inside ?
Hi all,

Thanks for your interest in our finds :)

Nugget, we run a minelab 3500 with a coiltek 16" round mono, a great combo for our needs.

HeadsUp, no mate, never bother breaking up hot rocks, theres to many of them we just work around them.

PS I forgot to add we lrft a deep target in the ground as I left our big pick at home (I'll never here the end of that one either) we refilled the hole until our next visit :)

Jim & Kerrie
Always listen to the misses. Mine once told me to detect a spot, it was kind of a lame place to look at and I said "yeah yeah one day". 12 months later a bloke I know found a nugget there the size of your fist! He showed it to me and when he told me where, well you can imagine what went through my mind. It was only 6 inches deep too.
Jim - a great outing with those results getting a pass to do another trip will not be a problem!