old catholic cross?

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Sep 7, 2014
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Found this the other day near a tree by the beach about 5 inches under.
Rusted badly how should i clean it?

AND be patient.. the brew will not start to work instantly..It takes a few weeks for the brew to ferment and make the acid that does the work.. keep the old brew for reuse.. Any mix ratio will do..I use a stronger mix of about 5-1 ...I like a strong brew.. do not put aluminium,brass, or anything like that in it as the acid will destroy it... :)
Thank you for your help guys. Where do i get molasses from. Overnight i soaked in vineger but not much has happened.
Can i get molasses from woolies or is it at pet stores?
it would specifically have to be mollasses. molasses is an early stage of the sugar production line, before it is turned into raw sugar. so they are different things. Molasses honey could be the correct thing yes. The item looks too rusted out though, I probably wouldnt attempt it, and I personally don't think its a cross. I think its decoration from a timber corner or metal from a firebox or similar
Hi atomrat.

So you wouldnt bother trying to remove the rust? It is quite thick and solid rust. What would happen if i left it in.molasses mix for a few weeks, not much ? Its a plaque of some kind and can see it being a corner piece to a box as well. Molasses wouldnt take it back it its metal?
take a 2 ltr milk bottle and they will usually fill it for you at the stock feed place.... cheap as.. :)
24 hours after soaking in apple cider vineger.
Most of the dry dusty rust and sand has been removed.
The rocks and charcoal remain atrongly encrusted to it. Makes me wonder how long of time would cause this.
I like the look and age it shows after the soak. Keeps its age and character.

Could be a corner piece off a very old boat im thinking since it was found by the ocean with no housing for miles. Or off an old box.
Oh its from the beach! I didn't even read that bit! It could be anything, but dont put too much effort into it mate, it looks like it is prob just a chunk of rust. I would be throwing it into my steel smelting bin. As it it from the beach, there are too many possibilities as to what it is, but I would not say it is an item of interest. Possible from a boat, possible from a structure.

But keep the positive attitude with your next finds as you never know, one day you could find a catholic cross, but if anything it would most likely be an obvious brass or gold plated cross :) I have found junk many times, after searching through heaps of bottles, rusted cans and so on, you do find items that are better to take home and clean up. Keep your eyes open mate, you are on your way!

An item with that much rust and junk on it, I would not bother with. I only clean and electrolysis items just before the rust gets 'chunky'.
Is that because the rust is jsut way too dense and stubborn to remove ? Yes from the beach right next to the ocean. Probably washed up during a storm a very long time sgo. A piece of a ship naybe. But its just gonna have to do as an ornament now. Havent really found much else since. But a bit of luck walking over the right area could bring something more interesting.