Oallen Ford NSW Information and Questions

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Just spoke to my mate and the way you described the area it is his brothers property and he WILL lay charges on anyone who is found on there and he has had motion cameras placed in the area so who ever is found on there it will be passed on to the police
His camp site was trashed a few nights ago so now he is in a very grumpy mood to say the least
This is just my advise
stay off the property for your own good and the good of the rest of us thst are trying to do the right thing and get the area opened back up for every one to use
Please let him know that the prospecting community that enjoys and
respects Oallen are pretty pissed off about the ones who have done
the wrong thing wrecking it for us.
A lot of us have gone there only to spend our time cleaning up after the
Grubs who trash the place as well.
no worries i will do that also the owner rang me about 2 hrs ago and invited me to go there tomorrow and show him what we do and how it all works so i am meeting him there at 9
it will give us a good chance to chat and if he can see that we are all not grubs and fill our holes in i might even try and organize a weekend for us all to get together for a weekend early next year and he can see all the different setups that we have
never know your luck in the big city (oops big country)
Yeah such a shame people stuff it up for everyone......I didn't stay or even stop for a proper look but if its the same place I didn't look mucked up from what I could see on Monday.....but as I say, I couldn't see that much.......

Just for everyone including me, is it posible for someone to put up a Google earth shot of the area we are allowed on around there.......there are some fences with private property written on them, which I don't cross of course, but it is pretty confusing to know where you are not allowed to go.......there is an old Hydraulic sluicing area for instance......is that private or not.

I always walk or paddle up the rivers where I can to try and work it out, but Oallen is a bit of a mystery.......
7.62marksman said:
If its who i think it is i hope to show him that we are not like that but i am wsiting for a return sms which i should get tomorrow

That would be good mate......a lot of us are infact the oposite....

I always make a point of taking a couple of big orange garbo bags with me and pick up rubish others leave behind.

After many years in the 4wd comunity and traveling near every sqaure inch of Oz, I take a lot of pride in knowing myself and family have put back into the bush.

I hate people that abuse the awesome bush we have....
I just had a look on google earth, and I really wish I took my GPS so I could pinpoint the exact right place........ but I am pretty sure it might have been somewhere around here.....but then I might be wrong If I take a kyak I will take the GPS next time so I know for sure.......but if someone does a overhead picture up that will tell the tail anyway.
Hard when you don't know the area....
The last time I was there was years and years ago, and we called into a house along there to try and get info, and he said there was a pair of gates not far after the then crossing and you could go through the eastern most one and follow tracks down to the river....which we did, but after near being cleaned up by a couple of dirt bikes we decided it was a better deal to just turn around and go somewhere else.

7.62marksman said:
no worries i will do that also the owner rang me about 2 hrs ago and invited me to go there tomorrow and show him what we do and how it all works so i am meeting him there at 9
it will give us a good chance to chat and if he can see that we are all not grubs and fill our holes in i might even try and organize a weekend for us all to get together for a weekend early next year and he can see all the different setups that we have
never know your luck in the big city (oops big country)

I am more than happy to help out where I can mate........if they trashed his hut I would like to see it put right.....I can bring tools !! :)
I am currently investigating under NAPFA for the Oallen site and am waiting for a few replies back to clarify
the Bridge area.
When I have correlated and have every thing clear, I will put up a Six Maps image of
who has what and where.
Put it this way, All factions are aware of we who do the right thing and respect the area.
It is a small bunch of Dick Heads who are making it hard for us to enjoy the area.
Stay Tuned. :)
One of the incidents was, A private land holder found his fence cut and people camping on his property.
Can not blame him for going ballistic. Poor Bugga.

Harb said:
Yeah such a shame people stuff it up for everyone......I didn't stay or even stop for a proper look but if its the same place I didn't look mucked up from what I could see on Monday.....but as I say, I couldn't see that much.......

Just for everyone including me, is it posible for someone to put up a Google earth shot of the area we are allowed on around there.......there are some fences with private property written on them, which I don't cross of course, but it is pretty confusing to know where you are not allowed to go.......there is an old Hydraulic sluicing area for instance......is that private or not.

I always walk or paddle up the rivers where I can to try and work it out, but Oallen is a bit of a mystery.......
ok all
First i am sorry for the bum steer Harb but the one i was told was his well it turns out it not its further south
with further investigation and a few phone calls and sitting on SIX MAPS while on the phone to him i now know where property is
On Six Maps open lot boundaries his lot number is
rumor has it that he is thinking of selling up the price is $300k to $330k
there was some talk about they own the river as well however that was pointed out to them in no uncertain terms that they did not own the river only the lad above the bank
he also wanted a 50/50 cut of anything that was found on his land or in the river because he allowed axcess through his property
Guess what i am going no where near that property just going back to my spot under the bridge tomorrow
Harb the one you were talking about well i have been told he is not into prospectors or campers and can get very grumpy
Thanks mate.....no hurry, just trying to make sure I don't end up somewhere I shouldn't be !
Use 6 maps to bring up the DP info.
Ring Crown Lands Department and quote the DP number and lot.
dp1054546 lot 7001
They will tell you if it is either crown or private.
Also crown land under lease.
They will not tell you who or what is the lease or land holder.
Hi guys - just to let you know if you are not aware - there are active Mining leases in the area in question that are no go areas, access via the river should be ok though and fossicking in the river gravels should be ok too but away from the river would be a problem.


It definitely is Crown Land (shown in full yellow shade):


You face a couple of issues here:
1. Establishing whether it is unmanaged/publically accessible Crown Land or whether it is Crown Land held under lease. As Tath says you to need to ring Crown Lands to find out but they won't give you any details such as who leases it if indeed it is under lease. If it's under lease then the same rules apply as to private property - you need permission. If it is under management i.e. TSR, Common Land, managed reserve then you will also need permission.
2. Access - all access appears to be through private property/s. There is what appears to be a Crown Road marked from Oallen Rd thru Lot 6 DP 827842. Again you would need to establish the status of this road with Crown Lands - they are selling/have sold a lot of these access roads back to the private land holders. Also some property owners have taken ownership (illegally) of the roads & have locked gates etc. These need to be reported to Crown Lands too so they can ensure legal access is restored!
3. The Mining Lease is shown as "Renewal Sought" but shows as a current mineral title. You would need the Mining Lease Holders permission - the lease areas also appear to blanket cover all areas including the river?


The same would go for all the other shaded Crown Land areas shown around that location. Good luck with it - now everyone going there will be investigating so hopefully they post what they find here for you/us :lol: