Nice looking Gold...but

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Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
The sis-in-law came up from Melbourne for a visit this week and brought me a little present.
She knows of my obsession with all things gold related and handed me this little doozie she found on a railway track near Bendigo.

Very shiney shiney but Im calling it for Pyrite. Hopefully Im wrong.... :)

Either way its still a cool looking rock
give it a scratch with a pocket knife, gold is malleable and will leave a little scratch, pyrite is hard and brittle so there should not be a mark.
Nice of your family to think about you mate :) you can call your present gold, but you are right it's pyrite. Don't stop them bringing you this sort of stuff cause next time it may be real gold :)
Pyrite is still a very nice specimen to have. I've got a great specimen of pyrite which was given to me by a friend that is an avid prospector not just for gold but all sorts or rocks and minerals. Unfortunately not worth a great amount but still beautiful to look at!