Newbie; researching, as suggested...

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Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all,
New to the game, live in Hervey Bay Qld so not a lot of close areas for gold.
Bought a CTX3030 around Christmas time and had a few swings at the beach and elsewhere just junk and six cents so far :p
Have an old Goldseeker 15000 also that dad bought in the eighties, yet to try it, VLF so who knows might go alright.
Read somewhere that finding yellow is 95% research, 5% at the task so guess I'm getting into the 95% bit alright.
Welcome aboard Sw1fty.

The CTX3030 is a supreme machine so I'm sure it wont be long before you hit the jackpot with it.

You're absolutely right, research is the key to the prospecting game and hopefully the forum helps to fill in any gaps.

Welcome Ben, good luck, an old army saying was train hard, fight easy, I think we can modify it to apply here; Study hard, find easy!

Good luck, Tone
Thanks Tone, but I think you were welcoming me , not Ben78 lmao he's been here for quite a while going by the 122+ posts
No worries on the study, been reading forum since I got here, muchas good people and info
And p.s. to Ben, ty for the link :D
No worries, I get lost for hours reading the newspapers of times gone by
All good fellas thanks for the link again Ben78 hard to read some of the old scans, but 4" magnifying glass and adjusting print prefs is helping :cool:
Sw1fty - on the Trove downloads there should be a text/pdf function to hit. Sometimes this can clear the article up. I agree that some of the scanning is not too flash.