My beach finds thus far

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I will do that... the thought occured to me moments after I posted the question... once posted I could not retract it ... new location.
Coin Shooting >> Tides and the beach coin
Goldpick said:
AusFX said:
I think I've out detected my local beach of all the good stuff. Went down there today and found a grand total of a $1 coin, 20c coin and a 5c coin. Plus plenty of junk as usual.
On the plus side it seems like its starting to warm up, so hopefully the beaches will get a bit busier.

I think I was getting some false signals, or possibly losing signals in the freshly wet sand. I figure it might be because I'm using the 18khz gold pack coil? Would I have better luck with the 18khz concentric coil, 7.5khz concentric or 7.5khz DD, etc?

What sensitivity are you running on the beach, as it may be necessary to wack it back a few notches to run a stable threshold vs simply changing coils. Also remember the 18.75kHz eliptical coil is not waterproof, so I hope you haven't been dunking it in the ocean. ;)

Maybe message SA Bogan, as I believe he was running the Coiltek DD WOT coil for the beach, not sure what frequency it was. He might also be able to give some advice on settings to get ithe 705 running better. :)

I'm running the 18.75 DD coil, as far as sensitivity goes, I use it on the pre-set 1 setting, and ground balance it to the wet sand. Am I doing this right? haha

I'm assuming the DD is waterproof, I dunked it in and it was still working fine an hour later...
What you need to do is put the 705 on auto ground balance and move the sensitivity up when going to dry sand then back down when on the wet. I found I could set it to around 11 to 15 on wet sand before it was falsing. The dd is ok to dunk in the water but you will find that the 705 doesn't really like the salt water and you will be hard pressed on the wet sand. I hope this helps
Thanks for that SA bogen, big help!
Just got onto your youtube videos, I never even turned beach mode on, just chucked it in preset mode 1 and went for it... Might just hit up bondi this weekend now that I have a better idea of what to do :p