Movie - GOLD

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Jul 30, 2017
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLD
I just saw this for the first time. It was actually a lot better than I thought.

And a great little twist right at the end.

Had a few twists throughout but the last one was (pardon the pun) GOLD.

Its not a Hollywood blockbuster with explosions, sex, nudity or anything like that. Just a story.
And I thought the way it was told was pretty good too.
hAyyoUinAU said:
And a great little twist right at the end.

Had a few twists throughout but the last one was (pardon the pun) GOLD.

Its not a Hollywood blockbuster with explosions, sex, nudity or anything like that. Just a story.
And I thought the way it was told was pretty good too.

Agree totally, good movie, worth a watch.
Yeah yeah, the script got you in hey, nothing to do with glamorous gals. Lol.
correct me if im wrong, but one is fiction, and the other not. Ha
It is actually Matthew's 3rd movie about searching for gold.

Gold, Fools Gold and _____________

If anyone can name the 3rd??
It was cool to see the villagers panning for gold in the jungle streams.

And I did like how the plot involved those scenes later on. Without revealing too much.