Minelab X-terra 705 General Tips, Advice, Questions

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Ok, thanks guys, I ventured out solely onto mullock heaps today, and swung VERY slowly and anything that made a slight sound, I dug it up, and whilst I set a new personal best record, on lead, .22 shells, nails, rivets, and general sh!t, I did not find a single speck of gold. 8.(

I'm seriously thinking of a upgrading to a gpx4500, or is a 5000 head and shoulders above the 4500?

Cheers, Paul.
hi all. I finally have the money to buy my detector of choice (x terra 705 gold ). iam that keen I cant wait for it to be posted, so road trip tomorrow to Brisbane gold 800km round trip. might even stop in at warwick on the way home and have a swing:)
thanks guys for the replys
hope soo Colmaca that would cool but like u said will take me a while to learn the settings

Sa_bogan wots the 705 like with the 15"WOT coil as I will be getting one myself soon
I quite like it, the only downside is after an hour or so your arm is ready to fall off! But using it at the beach/park covers more ground and Is great for pinpointing
I purchase a Xterra 705 dual about 3 months ago and my only problem with it is not have the time to use it enough. SA Bogan has a good youtube clip on setting it up for ground work. worth a look.

Anyway all the best of luck with it.


Good luck with it thebeans, I actually purchased one myself today as well. I know very little about detectors but have been watching ALL the youtube videos I can find to assist with it. The instruction book may as well have been written in Chinese. Ended up with a headache after trying to understand some of it...
so picked my 705 up today from Brisbane gold, minus the torch (not in stock) which was ok by me friendly and very helpful will use them again
I'm new to metal detection and need some advice. When I get a hit I sweep over the target a 2nd time so I know it's a target and to get target id. It's happen a few times but got nothing on 2nd sweep, why? I have tried to clear the target id and try again but still get no id. Any suggestions to getting 2nd hit?

Try standing on anothe angle and then swing over it again. If you get the same result it could be they way it's laying in the ground or junk
I never dig a target if the second swing doesn't produce a noise. As above its usually junk or random ground noise.
Also if you have a erratic hit on a target hit pinpoint and the detector will settle and give you a better reading.
I never dig 44-45 and usually ignore anything under 20.
A good way to tell if its a good quality target is swing over it a few times and if the number and sound are the same or very close to the same its usually worth digging.
Actually the best way is to dig everything. It doesn't take long to work out what your 705 is trying to say.
Getting the same thing with the Aldi detector on discrimination mode, second time around it discriminates and ignores the signal, then it doesn't, then it does, then it doesn't...very frustrating. If you are discriminating this could be the cause.

I agree with SAbogan, a small flat target, particularly an alloy can that has been fighting with a victa, will play havoc on a clear signal. Have had a deep set threepence do the same thing, sounded to good to be junk so removed some dirt and had another go.

Also use to get the odd ping from my left boot when I was out of step....damn steel caps, got to get me some decent hunting boots. :rolleyes: