Map info - what is a "Prospect"

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May 24, 2015
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Gladstone, QLD
I notice on a lot of mining maps areas marked as a "prospect" - ie: Lees Prospect or Diglun Prospect

Just like to clarify what a "Prospect" is
Went to Daylesford, using the guide below.. Found plenty of rubbish.

Is it possible that these guides have been around so long that they are no longer useful?

G`Day ! Rotor,
Not for this black duck.
So far that is all have managed. ``Bread Crumbs.``
mabasko mentioned Sofala that many SDC2300 would have gone over the Hills just west of the town.
I managed dozens of .22 shells ,steel and copper boot tacks at various depths all among those diggings but i sense nuggets are there.
What i don`t understand is if those hills have been flogged by Detectorist so much why are those targets still there ?
Do terrorist leave a trail for Hansel & Gretel.
Yer seems to be said a lot " area flogged out nothing left "
I got these yesterday at Whroo

2 came from so close to recent scraps in surface from others it is like a big4 tourist park there this long weekend .
But there seems to be plenty of targets left still . lots of lead shot :eek:
Bush said:
G`Day ! Rotor, Do terrorist leave a trail for Hansel & Gretel.

nope, but detecterrorists certainly do lol

I take the trash I find like most do, but I can imagine that some people deliberately salt some areas for reasons only they know!
Anyone using gold detecting guides/maps & expecting to be put directly onto a patch of gold will be very disappointed! The only usefulness these things have ever had is showing where gold was & might still be if your lucky. These maps/guides are best used to get you onto known gold areas - as my old mate Meta once said when you get there put them back in the glovebox. Look for harder to get to or less obvious areas within/around them.
As for flogged areas my interpretation of a flogged area is one that's seen a lot of activity which can lessen your chances. Nobody is that good that they get it all - some like to think they are or do. Unfortunately modern day junk has a habit of reappearing or being replenished by pigs. Some of the pigs also like to leave open holes, throw junk away again after they dig it or even put it back in the hole & bury it again.
If I'm in a "flogged" area modern junk i.e. 22's, bird shot, cans etc. doesn't excite me or make me think it hasn't been detected well. Finding old junk can though.
Another thing is that junk piles continue to disintegrate & spread over a wide area. Even something as simple as a small metal container/drum can spread in a wide radius or even right down a gully. Most detectorists generally avoid these places especially with PI's.
A lot of these "flogged" areas are huge & even though some ground may have been detected numerous times gold still gets missed & there is also other ground that may have had very little attention for a variety of reasons like not being an obvious looking gold area, hard to get to, covered in branches, overgrown & so on.
I've flogged a few little patches with the SDC - sometimes going back 5-6 times & found gold I'd missed. Different day, different approach, different weather, less junk targets now etc. etc. etc. My last trip to a nearby spot that I'd "flogged" with the SDC produced 3 little nuggets & 3 birdshot for about 2hrs. When I first detected it I was getting maybe 50 to 100 junk targets to maybe 6 little nuggets. I've got no doubt someone else would find gold there as there was areas with very high amounts of metal fragments that I just left alone after numerous junk targets & no gold I concentrated on where I was getting gold in amongst the trash. I reckon a lot of areas would be similar for similar reasons?