Its been a while but

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Jul 26, 2015
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Its been around a year since Ive been on PA but I check up from time to time from work when I can.
I moved the family out bush about 10 months ago with no internet access and a crappy old phone and on Optus pre paid with no phone coverage but I recently changed to Telstra with a bar hear and there if Im lucky.
I like to share some of my latest finds especially one. Its not my biggest find but its definitely my favourite find just might take me a bit to get it up and to figure out how to upload it from my phone ? Im trying to do it without my wifes help haha. Good to see everyone being active on PA :Y:
Good to hear your enjoying life SC75 :Y: I know the experience of poor internet access, Telstra charge a bom and aren't as reliable as Aldi pre paid :Y:. I'm in the throws of ditching Telstra because my wife is on Aldi pre paid (which uses the Telstra network so I'm told) and gets reception everywhere I do and most times she has more signal :rolleyes: at a 3rd the price I pay :mad: :mad:. So I hope you didn't sign a plan anyway see how you go and try Aldi if you need an option.
Gday SC75, I ended up getting unlimited Dodo through the wall (that National Broadband made it possible) for $80 a month. Runs perfectly for everyones needs (all at once) never misses a heartbeat.... and that's with 2 adults, 2 older teenagers and a tweenie. :Y:
Reaches all round the suburban yard too. :D
Great to hear from you SC75.
I was wondering what happened to you. You have been missed on the forum.
I always enjoyed seeing your finds, and I look forward to seeing this next one.
I trust all is going well for you and your family out bush.
Cheers Andy
Nice to hear from you. Must be bloody lovely without a phone ringing your ears off. I can imagine the peace and quiet............ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! :D
Thanks fellas and it is nice and quiet Jaros, we just have bats flying around the house :lol: my wife was screaming the first time she seen one :lol: and we have a new member in the household its a possum or a rat living in the walls, not sure what it is but its makes a racket at night :mad: Im ready to start ripping walls down.
And Im already on a Telstra plan but its a lot better than Optus at least I get a bar if Im lucky.
I will try to put a few pics up on SNT when I knock off.
Been missing seeing some of your finds. If I remember rightly they were some seriously impressive ones. Are they the little bats about size of a sparrow? There cool . If there fruit bats , big suckers there not cool.
we get those little bats in our place too , if they are the same ones you have to see them cos there is no way you will ever hear them they fly around totally silent .
All small bats. At first the misses thought it was a big moth but realised it was flying to fast.
I was in bed and all I could hear is my wife screaming lol I just opened the back and front door for ten minutes and it was gone but we do get some big ass spiders in the house and Im doing all the screaming :8 i usually get my son to pick them up and put them back outside.
Spot on Heatho all bats should only be handled if your wearing gloves and wash thoroughly after. There's been quite a few deaths in the equine industry where horses have contracted infections from bats and passed it to humans. And there's no discriminating you could be fit as a fiddle and dead with a day basically bats carry disease and need to be treated with caution.
SC75 said:
Heatho said:
Be very careful handling bats, all species in Australia can be assumed to be carrying bat Lyssavirus, which is deadly if you get infected, quite rare in Australia but none the less people have died from it.

Thats pretty scary Heatho, I wasnt bothered by bats but now you posted that I might scream with my wife next time we see one :eek:

Didn't really want to alarm you but yeah they are notorious for carrying nasty diseases. The Australian Bat Lysavirus is basically Rabies, which has no cure once symptoms show. I mean it's unlikely to catch something like that but not impossible either, anyway it's better to know these things when handling such animals. :Y: :)