I upset a scammer tonight

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Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Starting a new tact.

The usual call stating they are from our favourite Aussie Telco.

Female voice with heavy accent. A bit rude actually.

Led things along a bit as I was extremely worried about my NBN being disconnected.

Got to the point where I had to pay $580.23 to avoid being disconnected, Visited by the Sherrif,
Being carted away to jail, etc, ]:D

Time to fork out but,

Before doing this, I asked a question.

How much does it cost to go out for an evening in Delhi. ? {)

With your husbands and all their children. ?

The whole lot of them. O:)

WOW, You ought to have heard the Indian swearing come through.

I do know a couple of ones myself and when I utilized my unique Indian accent coupled with one of
these words,

World war 4 errupted. LOL ]:D

She became quite distressed and cranky about the whole 1/2 hour ordeal dealing with this rather rude Aussie
old timer. :fire:

Revenge was sweet. PMSL.
LOL, good on ya,

I love abusing them too,

My favourite is when I am a week over due paying a bill and some clown rings up and says well if you don't pay it It could effect your Credit rating, To which I answer,

QUOTE " Look Lady I am on the wrong side of 60 with an on going Heart Condition as well as had Open Heart Surgery, So Please tell Me Who In their right mind is going to give me a Loan, So Please don't try the Emotional Blackmail On Me, SO $%& Off, End Quote.

I like to keep the romance in a relationship, :playful: :playful: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If your overdue paying a bill , people asking for the money you owe isnt really a scam is it ? :playful: its kinda how the economy works.

I like telling scammers they are low life scum bags that should probably get a life , but be warned abusing them can prompt them to put your number on the hit list and you will get 20x the calls at all hours of the day.

Heres some simple answers to tele scammers questions ,

He or she is dead

Im only renting

I dont have a computer

I already have solar

I cant speak English

I will just go and get he or she for you ........................

Im selling an investment opportunity that would be great for you

Baaaaa baaaaa moooo mooooo

I am the devil and im going to eat your soul

Get it in de ya
Good fun when you're bored and get the opportunity to waste half an hour of their time. My best one is probably not appropriate for this forum but it ended with the chinese scammer shouting down the line " love a @#$% a you Aussie bastard", my reply was "well I just a @#$% a you for half an hour for free"..... Pure gold! :lol:
I'm glad someone is getting back at the bastards. As you may or may not recall, my father passed away earlier this year. I went down to Melbourne for the funeral, and then just a few weeks later, Covid-19 came along.

My mother has been stuck in her one bedroom unit in the retirement village ever since on her own, left to grieve the loss of her husband. We're not allowed to go down there as we are in a rural stage 3 area. She has been bombarded by scammers on the phone saying unless she pays money into an account they will disconnect her phone (at a time when she needs it most), take her to court, all kinds of stuff including that her computer has a virus (laughable as she is in her 80's, doesn't own one, and wouldn't even know how to turn one on let alone use it). Apparently the scammers like to target the elderly as they often get confused easily, often have a large amount of savings, and are generally more vulnerable to such scamming.

I really wish there was some kind of squad or police branch that could be dedicated to tracing the scammers and holding them to account. Better still, a system in place where family members such as myself, could legally smash their fingers with a ball pein hammer, one by one.
Just wondering. Are any of you getting emails from postal tracking co's as I am getting about 5 a day wanting a pending payment fixed up before delivery. All things I purchase on the web has a delivery charge (sometimes free). :(
Jaros said:
Just wondering. Are any of you getting emails from postal tracking co's as I am getting about 5 a day wanting a pending payment fixed up before delivery. All things I purchase on the web has a delivery charge (sometimes free). :(
Hi Jaros, Emails i have 369 in spam for the last 3 days, It started back a while i got mail from MINERS DEN they sed a new detector of like 7000 was coming out only a bit cheaper if i wanted update press blue button and enter email address the next day 200 emails some days 400 others 50, i havent opened mail from miners den now for months, Ron.
You do have to be a bit careful though sometimes as one time my mate and I had ordered a takeaway Indian, he made the order and after about an hour the phone rings, I answer and hear noise in the background and an Indian voice I couldn't understand. Thinking it was a call centre scammer I let rip with a few choice words, slammed the phone down and wandered off back to beers with my mate. Then about 2 mins later I'm sitting there thinking "oh noooo that was Nita from the restaurant", I rang back and it was her, I just shrank and started apologising profusely, I was sooo embarrased.

Anyway I went up to pick up the food begging for forgiveness and told her what happened, she was pretty cool about it and said it had happened before... :lol: Her and her husband are the nicest people, I felt soooo bad.

Hope they didn't mess with our food as revenge.... :lol:
Punjabi Indian Culture is beautiful. :cool:
I know for a fact that the majority of the Indian Call centers mainly employ these people.
Very happy go lucky, Friendly and go right out of their way to help you.

Sure, We have bad people in all cultures but these folk's are really offended by the actions
of people from their country that have set an unconscionable stigma.

But what ever you do,
Do NOT mention Cricket and you have ties to a famous one. :8

I had a whole call center going nuts about it one day. 30 of them on a conference call
and that was I only after I mentioned a certain fact.
Hilarious I can tell you.

Just be a little cautious on how you go about this.

But the results are worth it. :100:
If you see that, Hover your mouse over the top of it and note the link.

If on a phone, Just bloody delete it.
Don't go there. ]:D

bluejeansronald said:
Jaros said:
Just wondering. Are any of you getting emails from postal tracking co's as I am getting about 5 a day wanting a pending payment fixed up before delivery. All things I purchase on the web has a delivery charge (sometimes free). :(
Hi Jaros, Emails i have 369 in spam for the last 3 days, It started back a while i got mail from MINERS DEN they sed a new detector of like 7000 was coming out only a bit cheaper if i wanted update press blue button and enter email address the next day 200 emails some days 400 others 50, i havent opened mail from miners den now for months, Ron.
Jaros said:
Just wondering. Are any of you getting emails from postal tracking co's as I am getting about 5 a day wanting a pending payment fixed up before delivery. All things I purchase on the web has a delivery charge (sometimes free). :(

That's a current scam. Also people getting texts on their phone.
Don't click on the link. Just delete.
I have the following "cheat sheet" available near each landline phone and use it as a prompt.


Hello, please be aware that this call is being recorded for the possible identification of unauthorised callers and sophisticated International call tracing has been activated.

If this is a valid authorised call to this number, then please provide your number so that the calling party can be verified, or a call back can be made.

After the beeps, you will have 5 seconds to begin providing -
- a phone number that you can be called back on;
- your name (in Australian English);
- your company;
- the reason for this call.

Otherwise, this will be treated as an illegal phishing scam call and no further discussion will be entered into.

Beep, beep.

I rarely halfway through the first sentence before they hang up.

Rob P.
Sometimes wish I had recorded my lovely answering a scam call.
It went on for about 5 minutes, the caller asking whether she had "Windows"?
"Of cause we have windows, 10 of them."
"No they don't have a virus I clean them regularly."
As mentioned this went on for some time until the caller realised she was playing him along.
The mongrel finished the call by saying "F**k off you bitch......
Of late I have had several mobile calls, but they ramble on in Chinese so have no idea. Maybe it is genuine wrong number call?
When I get a scam call , I often put the phone down and they ramble on for 5 - 10 mins. before they work out that I am not listening . If they want to waste my time I like to waste their time !!!