I have one of these every chance I get !!!

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Jul 29, 2013
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Is there anything better ? Its our national relaxation I reckon and a prospectors friend.

makes you warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. Am I alone here or do others share my view?

GT :)
I am a huge fan of the elementals. Obviously Gnomes are right up top of the list but Salamanders have served me well too. Whenever I start feeling down I burn things. It is great therapy. The Sylphs get a bit carried away this time of year but the Undines have my back.
Couldn't agree more GT,

The wife and I went 2 years of no camping and we went silly, nearly broke up a few times from getting on each others nerves until we finally manage to get out bush again and as soon as we got the fire going and sat down we looked at each other, laughed and cried at the same time as we realised why we were grumpy with each other and the rest of the world, we got back home and bought an off road camper trailer that week and went back out the following weekend and plan on doing 1 trip a month to keep our sanity and marriage alive and healthy.
Amazing what sitting around a fire gazing into the flames and the mind off somewhere far away can do for the soul.

First trip with the trailer 2 months ago around Talbot area. I even bought a new detector a couple of weeks ago after selling most of my gear early this year :D
Maltisau said:
I am a huge fan of the elementals. Obviously Gnomes are right up top of the list but Salamanders have served me well too. Whenever I start feeling down I burn things. It is great therapy. The Sylphs get a bit carried away this time of year but the Undines have my back.


Burning things for therapy who would have thought, I agree! Much like hosing, concrete, garden or just random stuff, very relaxing!

Imagine how relaxed those ar$eholes that light bushfires feel.

Some even get to light the fire then use a hose put it out!!!!!! :mad:

They will have plenty of time to relax in Gaol with their new cell mate!

GaryO said:
The way the authorities are locking up campgrounds , we might all end up sitting around a laptop in a motel room watching youtube fires. :eek:

There better be a spa and room service or I wont be going camping with you!

(p.s not a spa together)

Good day at work today. I got paid to light bonfires, pan for gold, scout the nearby quartz reef AND the boss bought us a slab after lunch to keep us hydrated whilst monitoring the fires. It was so good I almost did overtime!

May all your campfires burn clean and bright and most of all may the fire in your eyes burn brighter still!
Maltisau said:
Good day at work today. I got paid to light bonfires, pan for gold, scout the nearby quartz reef AND the boss bought us a slab after lunch to keep us hydrated whilst monitoring the fires. It was so good I almost did overtime!

May all your campfires burn clean and bright and most of all may the fire in your eyes burn brighter still!

Do you need a new employee ....plz !
I will do overtime :)
If I could hire you I would Wishfull.

It's a multinational company from the UK that runs adventure camps. There's no sites in SA yet but they are expanding rapidly. If I hear anything about new acquisitions in your neck of the woods I'll give you a hoy ;)
Maltisau said:
If I could hire you I would Wishfull.

It's a multinational company from the UK that runs adventure camps. There's no sites in SA yet but they are expanding rapidly. If I hear anything about new acquisitions in your neck of the woods I'll give you a hoy ;)

Bugger off Wishfull! (lol!)

Can't get more adventurous than the NT!!!! LOL
Maltisau said:
If I could hire you I would Wishfull.

It's a multinational company from the UK that runs adventure camps. There's no sites in SA yet but they are expanding rapidly. If I hear anything about new acquisitions in your neck of the woods I'll give you a hoy ;)
I'd be pretty interested in that too Maltisau, the peninsula would be a great spot for adventure camps :p ,what's the company name? or website link? so we can check out what they do.