how green are you?

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Mar 5, 2014
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just how green are you? environmentally friendly? much do you respect this planet and why?
I love the red ironbark forest I camp in on the gold fields, its really special to me in a way I could never explain.

I wake at 7am, I smell the scents from my surroundings, my thoughts turn to gold and how I can best exploit that on this grand day.

I have a plan, I wake my trusted prospecting partner, start the fire with some kindling from the hot coals of the night before, put the billy on the fire and make coffee to get our brains working.

Beer o'clock is not far away, the detector is charged, the pan is ready, head out for a swing, come back for breakfast at 10.

My camp you would not recognize after I have left for home, its as before I came.

Cheers ;)
I respect the environment, believe in conservation, respect what mother nature brings to the regulation of the planet,.... so long as the plans for the upkeep of the planet are based on common sense and sustainability for both the animal kingdom and human intervention. The problem with some human intervention is that it is not all based on common sense and scientific research and is swayed by emotion and the misinformed views of a minority.

Am I a "Greenie"....absolutely I hate people who rubbish the environment, dig massive holes to endanger stock, cut down massive trees without any view of regrowth, pollute where there is an alternative, take more fish from the oceans and streams than they need,... yep, absolutely have no time for them. Do I believe High banking and sluicing has a detrimental effect in a river system...categorically "NO" in the big picture of the planets evolution. Will one eyed misinformed "Greenies" agree with me....probably not. :|

WalnLiz said:
I respect the environment, believe in conservation, respect what mother nature brings to the regulation of the planet,.... so long as the plans for the upkeep of the planet are based on common sense and sustainability for both the animal kingdom and human intervention. The problem with some human intervention is that it is not all based on common sense and scientific research and is swayed by emotion and the misinformed views of a minority.

Am I a "Greenie"....absolutely I hate people who rubbish the environment, dig massive holes to endanger stock, cut down massive trees without any view of regrowth, pollute where there is an alternative, take more fish from the oceans and streams than they need,... yep, absolutely have no time for them. Do I believe High banking and sluicing has a detrimental effect in a river system...categorically "NO" in the big picture of the planets evolution. Will one eyed misinformed "Greenies" agree with me....probably not. :|


I agree 100% with this comment.

Most "Greenies" have absolutely no idea on environmental issues. I would rate myself as an environmentalist yet there is no way I would consider myself a Greenie.
I've grown up with an inherent love of our
bush and coast.
I always wake up with the birds when I'm camping,
I have been woken up at about 4.00am by a curious
kangaroo sniffing my head while sleeping with my head
on the tailgate of my Ute.
Watched micro bats flying above my head catching insects.
How can I NOT love our bush .
You would never see where I've dug a hole .
You would never find any rubbish left behind.
I always bring my own firewood for the campfire.
And yes I am green, I'm green with envy as my detector
hasn't swept over one piece of gold yet in twelve
months .
;) :D
I absolutely love the bush and think that there is nothing more perfect and serene than a beautiful piece of natural bushland. Its like I could just stay and camp there forever. I get so disappointed in the human race when I see people just dumping their garbage all over the place. Like yesterday when I was out in the Beaufort goldfields and even though we were on an out of the way, little used track someone had still managed to find the time to chuck their drink bottles and garbage in tree stumps and old mineshafts and this was out in the middle of nowhere. It would have been easier for these lowlifes to take it to the tip or take it home instead of destroying the place.

I'm no tree hugger but it hurts when I see big trees getting chopped down and the natural environment being cleared to make way for development.
one of the most beautiful things i can experience is to sit in the bush in a comfortable spot with my back to a tree and close my eyes while listening to birds singing.

i might have a little sunlight on my shoulders and a gentle breeze on my face.

The birds might sometimes fly down close to where i am sitting and look at me while i look at them

do they feel a peaceful person who will do them no harm ? i hope so.

i enjoy their music

sometimes i take my ipod speakers and share a bit of my music with them too.

clean air


a peaceful safe place

harmony and respect with nature

love it.
I don't like "Greenies" as such either but I will say I'm an environmentalist and love nature and all of its wonders. As an example, destruction of old growth forests for wood pulp does not make sense to me. Destroying our aquifers with coal seam gas extraction does not make any sense either.

The country is run by people who don't make sense, there has to be balance between conservation and development. At the moment there only seem to be extremists on both sides. Corruption and self interest is one of the biggest problems facing the environment also, every government is guilty of it most likely. Plenty of eveidence at ICAC.
I divert enough from landfill every day to justify digging a few holes. I'm a recycler at heart and now I get to make a genuine impact. I help supply best practice environmental businesses and Enterprises few Greenies could take a candle to and don't have a protest sign in my hand. I can't wait for the next nut job that's out to tell me their saving the planet, I'll ask them to come to work and see what response I get. Last month alone (over the previous 3 months figures) I reclaimed almost 50 tonnes of material, and granted 4 tonnes at no charge from local cleanups of known hot spots for dumping. I live green. Haha.
The other day in the morning I thought I was very green
I was looking in the mirror with a hangover
The tongue was blue and kinda furry.
Gee we get some good red wine in South Australia.
I read this post and a sudden impact come over me on the damage I done the other day. :eek:
I mowed the lawn. :)
Now I have seen people of alternate means planting crosses where a tree was cut down. :|
I figured out that when I ran out of fingers and toes on how many poor little blades of grass that I had slaughtered, :8
It was too costly on how many sub miniature crosses I would need. :p
I had a beer or two to celebrate the passing of .5 an acre of dead grass. 8.(
Goldtarget said:
I divert enough from landfill every day to justify digging a few holes. I'm a recycler at heart and now I get to make a genuine impact. I help supply best practice environmental businesses and Enterprises few Greenies could take a candle to and don't have a protest sign in my hand. I can't wait for the next nut job that's out to tell me their saving the planet, I'll ask them to come to work and see what response I get. Last month alone (over the previous 3 months figures) I reclaimed almost 50 tonnes of material, and granted 4 tonnes at no charge from local cleanups of known hot spots for dumping. I live green. Haha.

the difference between those who talk the talk and those who just bloodyyy well do it

good onya
I ask myself this question, i can relate and agree with all of the above but i look around me at all these things that are used and needed to survive in modern society. i realise that i am a consumer like everyone else and everything i use and consume is manufactured by elements that are mined from and grown on and in the ground. I realise that i contribute directly and indirectly to this to supply my needs and wants, no-one is exempt, and that includes every individual in any orginisation trying to save the planet.

an example..

When i buy a piece of steak or lamb chops i know that ive given pourpose to what i see as a green grass paddock that was once a paddock of trees beside a creek i dig in. But thats ok because everyone made money from the scrub pulling!

the list is endless!!!!!

I think its impossible to be green but possible to be enviromentally friendly...and thats all!
i used to date this hippy chick some moons ago, she believed that all plants and fauna had feelings, that Mother Nature is everywhere and in everything, we didn't date for long :| she accused me (a miner) of being a nature murderer :rolleyes:
I've never heard Mother Nature scream when I've stuck a pick in the ground, she's never cried for help when I've shuved a shovel in a creek bed, bored some holes in rock, then blew it up, and you know what the weird bit is, almost every time I've done this, Mother Nature rewards me with gold, huh, go figure, so go stick that in your pipe and smoke it Nicole. :lol: :D